2,053 research outputs found

    Optimizing University Mobility : An Internal Navigation and Crowd Management System

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    In the evolving landscape of educational technology, the article explores the critical frontier of indoor navigation systems, focusing on universities. Traditional approaches in higher education often fall short of meeting dynamic user expectations, necessitating revolutionary solutions. This research introduces an innovative internal navigation and crowd management system that seamlessly integrates augmented reality, natural language processing, machine learning, and image processing technologies. The Android platform serves as the foundation, harnessing augmented reality's transformative capabilities to provide real-time visual cues and personalized wayfinding experiences. The voice interaction module, backed by NLP and ML, creates an intelligent, context-aware assistant. The crowd management module, employing advanced image processing, delivers real-time crowd density insights. Personalized recommendations, powered by NLP and ML, offer tailored canteen suggestions based on user preferences. The agmented reality navigation module, using Mapbox, Unity Hub, AR Core, and Vuforia, enriches the user experience with dynamic visual cues. Results reveal the success of each module: the voice interaction module showcases continuous learning, user-centric feedback, contextual guidance excellence, robust security, and multimodal interaction flexibility. The crowd management module excels in video feed processing, image processing with OpenCV, and real-time availability information retrieval. The personalized recommendations module demonstrates high accuracy, equilibrium, and robust performance. The AR navigation module impresses with precision, enriched navigation, and tailored routes through machine learning. This cohesive system sets new benchmarks for user-centric technology in universities. Future work includes multi-university integration, intelligent spatial design, and real-time decision support, paving the way for more efficient, user-centered university experiences and contributing to the advancement of smart university environments. The research serves as a pivotal force in reshaping interactions within university spaces, envisioning a future where technology seamlessly enhances the essence of human interaction in educational environments

    A Systematic Review of User Mental Models on Applications Sustainability

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    In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), a user’s mental model affects application sustainability. This study's goal is to find and assess previous work in the area of user mental models and how it relates to the sustainability of application. Thus, a systematic review process was used to identify 641 initial articles, which were then screened based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. According to the review, it has been observed that the mental model of a user has an impact on the creation of applications not only within the domain of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), but also in other domains such as Enterprise Innovation Ecology, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Information Systems (IS), and various others. The examined articles discussed company managers' difficulties in prioritising innovation and ecology, and the necessity to understand users' mental models to build and evaluate intelligent systems. The reviewed articles mostly used experimental, questionnaire, observation, and interviews, by applying either qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method methodologies. This study highlights the importance of user mental models in application sustainability, where developers may create apps that suit user demands, fit with cognitive psychology principles, and improve human-AI collaboration by understanding user mental models. This study also emphasises the importance of user mental models in the long-term viability and sustainability of applications, and provides significant insights for application developers and researchers in building more user-centric and sustainable applications

    Implementation and analysis of several keyframe-based browsing interfaces to digital video

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    In this paper we present a variety of browsing interfaces for digital video information. The six interfaces are implemented on top of Físchlár, an operational recording, indexing, browsing and playback system for broadcast TV programmes. In developing the six browsing interfaces, we have been informed by the various dimensions which can be used to distinguish one interface from another. For this we include layeredness (the number of “layers” of abstraction which can be used in browsing a programme), the provision or omission of temporal information (varying from full timestamp information to nothing at all on time) and visualisation of spatial vs. temporal aspects of the video. After introducing and defining these dimensions we then locate some common browsing interfaces from the literature in this 3-dimensional “space” and then we locate our own six interfaces in this same space. We then present an outline of the interfaces and include some user feedback

    A Multi-Agent Architecture for An Intelligent Web-Based Educational System

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    An intelligent educational system must constitute an adaptive system built on multi-agent system architecture. The multi-agent architecture component provides self-organization, self-direction, and other control functionalities that are crucially important for an educational system. On the other hand, the adaptiveness of the system is necessary to provide customization, diversification, and interactional functionalities. Therefore, an educational system architecture that integrates multi-agent functionality [50] with adaptiveness can offer the learner the required independent learning experience. An educational system architecture is a complex structure with an intricate hierarchal organization where the functional components of the system undergo sophisticated and unpredictable internal interactions to perform its function. Hence, the system architecture must constitute adaptive and autonomous agents differentiated according to their functions, called multi-agent systems (MASs). The research paper proposes an adaptive hierarchal multi-agent educational system (AHMAES) [51] as an alternative to the traditional education delivery method. The document explains the various architectural characteristics of an adaptive multi-agent educational system and critically analyzes the system’s factors for software quality attributes

    Tangible Interaction with In-Car Smart Intelligence

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    Interacting with a car was once a tactile experience, which is on the decline with the rise of car assistants, where the dominant form of interaction is through screen displays and voice recognition. These interaction modalities within a car are not the only options available. In this paper, we discuss reintroducing tactility into the automotive experience. This work presents a tactile embodiment of an intelligent car system, different from previous studies, to improve engagement and emotional connection between users and future intelligent cars. A prototype tool was designed to embody an intelligent car system. It was used to investigate how to interact with and control a smart-comfort system to improve user comfort. The tool invited users to interact through touch. Users could use their hands to physically agree or disagree with changes made by the system with the system moving in response, creating a bi-directional interaction symbiosis that re-prioritises tactility

    Evaluation of ECA Gesture strategies for robust Human-Computer Interaction

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    Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs) offer us the possibility to design pleasant and efficient human-machine interaction. In this paper we present an evaluation scheme to compare dialogue-based speaker authentication and information retrieval systems with and without ECAs on the interface. We used gestures and other visual cues to improve fluency and robustness of interaction with these systems. Our tests results suggest that when an ECA is present users perceive fewer system errors, their frustration levels are lower, turn-changing goes more smoothly, the interaction experience is more enjoyable, and system capabilities are generally perceived more positively than when no ECA is present. However, the ECA seems to intensify the users' privacy concerns

    The use of interactive communication technologies for collaborative E-mentoring

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    This document investigates COVID-19’s impact on the education system by gathering data on how interactive digital technologies mitigated such disruption. Moreover, the study also analyses how and if education’s approaches were modified during the pandemic and what issue(s) arose in that process. The procedures consisted of the analysis of evidence retrieved from three surveys delivered to a broader group of teachers, students, and parents (N=215) crossed with an examination of a set of 5-week longitudinal interviews (30) with three stakeholder groups - teachers, students, and parents (N=6). Results of the analysis are used to derive a set of important design implications that: (1) highlights shortcomings of the distance learning strategies used during COVID-19 and how they can be mitigated; (2) empowers teachers, students and parents with innovative pedagogical approaches that can be fostered by interactive digital technologies that are optimized for distance learning; (3) promotes positive learning experiences supported with scientific evidence. The interactive system’s design derived from a collaborative reflection expressed on the stakeholders’ daily needs while teaching and learning during the unpredictable circumstances created by the pandemic. The OWL CLUB mobile app system seeks to curate the knowledge exchange in a more humane and positive digital experience among an education community. This application also allows the creation and growth of a space that encourages new genuine connections in a digital learning environment for students, with the pursuit of knowledge as their main objective.Este documento investiga o impacto do COVID-19 no sistema educacional, reunindo dados sobre como as tecnologias digitais interativas mitigaram tal disrupção. Além disso, o estudo também analisa como e se as abordagens educativas foram modificadas durante a pandemia e qual ou quais as questões que surgiram nesse processo. Os procedimentos consistiram na análise de evidências obtidas através de três questionários feitos a um grupo mais amplo de professores, alunos e pais (N = 215) cruzadas com uma análise de um conjunto de entrevistas longitudinais de 5 semanas (30) com três grupos de atores - professores, alunos e pais (N = 6). Os resultados da análise são usados para obter um conjunto de importantes implicações de design que: (1) destacam as deficiências das estratégias de ensino à distância usadas durante o COVID-19 e como elas podem ser mitigadas; (2) capacita professores, alunos e pais com abordagens pedagógicas inovadoras que podem ser promovidas por tecnologias digitais interativas, otimizadas para o ensino à distância; (3) promove experiências de aprendizagem positivas apoiadas em evidências científicas. A criação do sistema interativo deriva de uma reflexão colaborativa expressa sobre as necessidades diárias das partes interessadas durante o ensino e a aprendizagem durante as circunstâncias imprevisíveis criadas pela pandemia. O sistema de aplicativos móveis OWL CLUB procura assegurar a troca de conhecimento numa experiência digital mais humana e positiva entre uma comunidade educativa. Esta aplicação também permite a criação e o crescimento de um espaço que estimula novas conexões genuínas num ambiente digital de aprendizagem para os estudantes, tendo a busca pelo conhecimento como objetivo principal

    Voice-For-Blind: An Utilizable Email Client for Visually Impaired Users

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    For people who are sighted, visually impaired, or blind, electronic mail has evolved into a vital tool for collaboration and communication. However, the current email-related activities on smartphones cause a number of problems due to insufficient mapping of haptic feedback, complex text-entry layouts, a variety of screen sizes and orientations, illogical ordering of navigational items, and inconsistent interface design. The Components on touch-screen interfaces that can't be seen can be difficult for blind people to precisely access, making it difficult for them to carry out common mailing tasks such as receiving, sending, organising, managing spam, deleting, searching, and filtering. Due to these issues, blind people are having trouble using smartphones and completing a number of tasks related to email. Junk and Spam email frustration and cognitive overload are additional effects. We proposed Voice-For-Blind an utilizable email client that is friendly to visully imapired individuals to get around the obstacles relating to the usability and accessibility of smartphone-related mailing activities. 38 blind participants in an empirical study who carried out 14 email-related tasks are used to evaluate the proposed email client. The outcomes of this prototype's use demonstrate an elevated accuracy in complettion, improved user experience, and improved touchscreen interface control for basic tasks like email management. The findings show that Voice-For-Blind is an email client that is inclusive of accessibility, giving blind individuals an enhanced user - interface experience and reducing cognitive load when managing emails