4 research outputs found

    Community detection of agents interacting through regional innovation policies: structures, processes and functions

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    The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by Rosvall and Bergstrom (2008), and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). In a economic context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. The investigation of relational structures (through CPM), of shared processes (through Infomap) and of integrated behaviors (through DCI analysis) allowed the identification of communities that reveal, respectively, meaningful characterizations in terms of agents\u2019 participations in specific waves of the policy, of agents\u2019 participations in projects operating in particular technological domains, and in terms of agents\u2019 institutional typologies. The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors

    Detection of Communities of Agents Interacting through Regional Innovation Policies

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    The detection of communities of agents that interacted over time through regional innovation policies is analyzed through the application of three methodologies: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) by Palla et al. (2005), Infomap by Rosvall and Bergstrom (2008), and Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) by Villani et al. (2013). The case study regards the policy interventions implemented by region Tuscany (Italy) in 2000-2006 with the aim of supporting innovative network projects among local actors. In a context of analysis centered on such a complex object as innovation, and affected by discontinuous temporal dynamics and changing configurations of partnerships of agents, the three methodologies are applied to investigate different specific aspects of community organizations aimed at developing innovative activities. For every methodology three models are developed. In CPM, the elaboration of three models following the observation of the features of all possible partitions makes it possible to overcome the problematic definition of the value of k. In Infomap, the observation of the chronological order in which funded projects were carried out is used to impose different restrictions on the circulation of simulated flows. Finally, the application of DCI analysis to a socio-economic context is developed through the elaboration of different variables describing agents’ behavioral profiles, and through an original contribution in using a cluster analysis aimed at coping with the large quantity of results that the algorithm produces. The investigation of relational structures (through CPM), of shared processes (through Infomap) and of integrated behaviors (through DCI analysis) allowed the identification of communities that reveal, respectively, meaningful characterizations in terms of agents’ participations in specific waves of the policy, of agents’ participations in projects operating in particular technological domains, and in terms of agents’ institutional typologies.Per individuare comunità di agenti che nel tempo hanno interagito in politiche regionali a sostegno dell’innovazione, si propone l’utilizzo di tre metodologie: Clique Percolation Method (CPM) (Palla et al. 2005), Infomap (Rosvall e Bergstrom 2008), e la Dynamic Cluster Index analysis (DCI) (Villani et al. 2013). Il caso di studio riguarda la serie di politiche messe in atto dalla regione Toscana, nel ciclo di programmazione 2000-2006, con lo scopo di sostenere progetti di reti innovative nel territorio. Nell’analisi di un contesto che riguarda attività innovative, caratterizzato da forti discontinuità temporali nell’implementazione delle politiche e da mutevoli configurazioni nelle collaborazioni, sono state applicate le metodologie citate al fine di indagare tre specifici aspetti che caratterizzano le comunità di agenti con riferimento alla capacità di sviluppare processi innovativi. Lo studio delle strutture relazionali presenti (attraverso il CPM), dei processi di interazione osservati (attraverso Infomap), e dell’integrazione dei comportamenti degli agenti (attraverso la DCI analysis) hanno condotto all’elaborazione di tre modelli di analisi distinti per ciascuna di queste metodologie. Nell’ambito del CPM, la problematica definizione del valore di k è stata affrontata attraverso l’approfondimento delle caratteristiche delle possibili partizioni. Per l’applicazione di Infomap sono state elaborate simulazioni di flussi informativi in grado di tenere conto della sequenza temporale dei progetti finanziati. Infine, nell’ambito del DCI, un primo processo esplorativo, necessario per comprendere come applicare in modo coerente tale metodologia ad un contesto di tipo socio-economico, è stato seguito da due ulteriori modelli in cui l’originale introduzione di una analisi cluster ha consentito di gestire l’enorme mole di output prodotta dall’algoritmo. I risultati mostrano, rispettivamente, partizioni con comunità caratterizzate in termini di partecipazioni a specifici bandi (CPM), in termini di partecipazioni a progetti in specifici ambiti tecnologici (Infomap), e in termini di tipologia degli agenti coinvolti (DCI)