1,007 research outputs found

    Exploring phrase-compositionality in skip-gram models

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    In this paper, we introduce a variation of the skip-gram model which jointly learns distributed word vector representations and their way of composing to form phrase embeddings. In particular, we propose a learning procedure that incorporates a phrase-compositionality function which can capture how we want to compose phrases vectors from their component word vectors. Our experiments show improvement in word and phrase similarity tasks as well as syntactic tasks like dependency parsing using the proposed joint models

    Learning Semantically and Additively Compositional Distributional Representations

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    This paper connects a vector-based composition model to a formal semantics, the Dependency-based Compositional Semantics (DCS). We show theoretical evidence that the vector compositions in our model conform to the logic of DCS. Experimentally, we show that vector-based composition brings a strong ability to calculate similar phrases as similar vectors, achieving near state-of-the-art on a wide range of phrase similarity tasks and relation classification; meanwhile, DCS can guide building vectors for structured queries that can be directly executed. We evaluate this utility on sentence completion task and report a new state-of-the-art.Comment: to appear in ACL201

    What are the Goals of Distributional Semantics?

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    Distributional semantic models have become a mainstay in NLP, providing useful features for downstream tasks. However, assessing long-term progress requires explicit long-term goals. In this paper, I take a broad linguistic perspective, looking at how well current models can deal with various semantic challenges. Given stark differences between models proposed in different subfields, a broad perspective is needed to see how we could integrate them. I conclude that, while linguistic insights can guide the design of model architectures, future progress will require balancing the often conflicting demands of linguistic expressiveness and computational tractability.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL

    Words are not Equal: Graded Weighting Model for building Composite Document Vectors

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    Despite the success of distributional semantics, composing phrases from word vectors remains an important challenge. Several methods have been tried for benchmark tasks such as sentiment classification, including word vector averaging, matrix-vector approaches based on parsing, and on-the-fly learning of paragraph vectors. Most models usually omit stop words from the composition. Instead of such an yes-no decision, we consider several graded schemes where words are weighted according to their discriminatory relevance with respect to its use in the document (e.g., idf). Some of these methods (particularly tf-idf) are seen to result in a significant improvement in performance over prior state of the art. Further, combining such approaches into an ensemble based on alternate classifiers such as the RNN model, results in an 1.6% performance improvement on the standard IMDB movie review dataset, and a 7.01% improvement on Amazon product reviews. Since these are language free models and can be obtained in an unsupervised manner, they are of interest also for under-resourced languages such as Hindi as well and many more languages. We demonstrate the language free aspects by showing a gain of 12% for two review datasets over earlier results, and also release a new larger dataset for future testing (Singh,2015).Comment: 10 Pages, 2 Figures, 11 Table

    Still a Pain in the Neck: Evaluating Text Representations on Lexical Composition

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    Building meaningful phrase representations is challenging because phrase meanings are not simply the sum of their constituent meanings. Lexical composition can shift the meanings of the constituent words and introduce implicit information. We tested a broad range of textual representations for their capacity to address these issues. We found that as expected, contextualized word representations perform better than static word embeddings, more so on detecting meaning shift than in recovering implicit information, in which their performance is still far from that of humans. Our evaluation suite, including 5 tasks related to lexical composition effects, can serve future research aiming to improve such representations.Comment: TACL 201

    Toward Mention Detection Robustness with Recurrent Neural Networks

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    One of the key challenges in natural language processing (NLP) is to yield good performance across application domains and languages. In this work, we investigate the robustness of the mention detection systems, one of the fundamental tasks in information extraction, via recurrent neural networks (RNNs). The advantage of RNNs over the traditional approaches is their capacity to capture long ranges of context and implicitly adapt the word embeddings, trained on a large corpus, into a task-specific word representation, but still preserve the original semantic generalization to be helpful across domains. Our systematic evaluation for RNN architectures demonstrates that RNNs not only outperform the best reported systems (up to 9\% relative error reduction) in the general setting but also achieve the state-of-the-art performance in the cross-domain setting for English. Regarding other languages, RNNs are significantly better than the traditional methods on the similar task of named entity recognition for Dutch (up to 22\% relative error reduction).Comment: 13 pages, 11 tables, 3 figure

    Unsupervised Sentence Representations as Word Information Series: Revisiting TF--IDF

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    Sentence representation at the semantic level is a challenging task for Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. Despite the advances in word embeddings (i.e. word vector representations), capturing sentence meaning is an open question due to complexities of semantic interactions among words. In this paper, we present an embedding method, which is aimed at learning unsupervised sentence representations from unlabeled text. We propose an unsupervised method that models a sentence as a weighted series of word embeddings. The weights of the word embeddings are fitted by using Shannon's word entropies provided by the Term Frequency--Inverse Document Frequency (TF--IDF) transform. The hyperparameters of the model can be selected according to the properties of data (e.g. sentence length and textual gender). Hyperparameter selection involves word embedding methods and dimensionalities, as well as weighting schemata. Our method offers advantages over existing methods: identifiable modules, short-term training, online inference of (unseen) sentence representations, as well as independence from domain, external knowledge and language resources. Results showed that our model outperformed the state of the art in well-known Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) benchmarks. Moreover, our model reached state-of-the-art performance when compared to supervised and knowledge-based STS systems

    Neural Lattice Language Models

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    In this work, we propose a new language modeling paradigm that has the ability to perform both prediction and moderation of information flow at multiple granularities: neural lattice language models. These models construct a lattice of possible paths through a sentence and marginalize across this lattice to calculate sequence probabilities or optimize parameters. This approach allows us to seamlessly incorporate linguistic intuitions - including polysemy and existence of multi-word lexical items - into our language model. Experiments on multiple language modeling tasks show that English neural lattice language models that utilize polysemous embeddings are able to improve perplexity by 9.95% relative to a word-level baseline, and that a Chinese model that handles multi-character tokens is able to improve perplexity by 20.94% relative to a character-level baseline

    Towards Semantic Query Segmentation

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    Query Segmentation is one of the critical components for understanding users' search intent in Information Retrieval tasks. It involves grouping tokens in the search query into meaningful phrases which help downstream tasks like search relevance and query understanding. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to segment user queries using distributed query embeddings. Our key contribution is a supervised approach to the segmentation task using low-dimensional feature vectors for queries, getting rid of traditional hand tuned and heuristic NLP features which are quite expensive. We benchmark on a 50,000 human-annotated web search engine query corpus achieving comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art techniques. The advantage of our technique is its fast and does not use external knowledge-base like Wikipedia for score boosting. This helps us generalize our approach to other domains like eCommerce without any fine-tuning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method on another 50,000 human-annotated eCommerce query corpus from eBay search logs. Our approach is easy to implement and generalizes well across different search domains proving the power of low-dimensional embeddings in query segmentation task, opening up a new direction of research for this problem

    AWE-CM Vectors: Augmenting Word Embeddings with a Clinical Metathesaurus

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    In recent years, word embeddings have been surprisingly effective at capturing intuitive characteristics of the words they represent. These vectors achieve the best results when training corpora are extremely large, sometimes billions of words. Clinical natural language processing datasets, however, tend to be much smaller. Even the largest publicly-available dataset of medical notes is three orders of magnitude smaller than the dataset of the oft-used "Google News" word vectors. In order to make up for limited training data sizes, we encode expert domain knowledge into our embeddings. Building on a previous extension of word2vec, we show that generalizing the notion of a word's "context" to include arbitrary features creates an avenue for encoding domain knowledge into word embeddings. We show that the word vectors produced by this method outperform their text-only counterparts across the board in correlation with clinical experts
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