27 research outputs found

    The Role of Human Resource Accounting Information on the Accounting Information System

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    This study aimed to determine the role of human resource accounting information on Accounting Information System (AIS). The study importance arises from the need to recognize human resource accounting information and AIS as the greatest development in the world of business, the variables that will be affected by human resource accounting information are: reliability of AIS, the operational performance, cost of reduction, customer services. To achieve the objectives of the study a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the society of the Jordanian companies are listed in Amman stock exchange (ASE). The statistical analysis showed that human resource accounting information had a positive impact on the AIS and that human resource accounting information has a significantly statistical relationship with AIS itself, AIS development, cost reduction aspect in the AIS, the aspect of improving the operational performance of the companies AIS and finally with the customer service. Key Words: Human resource accounting information, ASE, AIS

    A new organisational ecology for open innovation: the Innovation Value Institute

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    In this paper a new theoretical framework for Innovation Eco-Systems is proposed and the application of the model in the Innovation Value Institute (IVI) is described. The IVI is engaged in the development of the IT-Capability Maturity Model which is a response to the need for a more systematic, comprehensive approach to managing IT in a manner that meets the requirements of practicing IT professionals

    The Value of Crowdsourcing for Complex Problems: Comparative Evidence from Software Developed By the Crowd And Professionals

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    Crowdsourcing is a problem solving model. In the context of complex problems, conventional theory suggests that solving complex problems is a province of professionals, that is, people with sufficient knowledge about the domain. Prior literature has indicated that the crowd, in addition to professionals, is also a great source for solving problems such as product innovation and idea generation. However, this assumption has yet to be tested. Adopting a quasi-experimental approach, this study uses a two-phase process to investigate this question. In the first phase we compare the development of a software by the crowd and professionals. In the second phase we evaluate the software developed by the crowdsourcing business model and professionals in terms of key perceived quality dimensions assessed by users of the systems. Quality is measured in terms of pragmatic quality, hedonic quality stimulation, and hedonic quality identification. Our study results suggest that there is a statistically significant difference between the software developed by a crowdsourcing business model and professionals in terms of hedonic quality stimulation and hedonic quality identification but there is no difference in terms of pragmatic quality. This research offers a first assessment of whether a crowdsourcing business model can be used to develop software with better user experience than professionallydeveloped software

    Electronic Networks of Practice as Third Places: Social Embeddedness, Membership Longevity and Contribution Quality

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    Electronic networks of practice have been investigated from learning and resource exchange perspectives using network analysis methods with connections derived from domain-specific relationships. By doing so, the literature has decentered interpersonal relationships in studies explaining the flow of knowledge throughout the network. I argue that through informal social interactions an individual becomes socially embedded in the network thereby creating strong social bonds with other members. These strong social bonds foster loyalty and attachment to the eNoP creating a symbolically constructed ‘place of significance’ rather than a “place of knowledge-sharing.’ Members may find alternative knowledge-sharing places among the many largely undifferentiated eNoP in cyberspace, but it is my conjecture that it is difficult to find alternative places of psychological significance in the virtual world. Utilizing Oldenburg’s (1989) third places as the theoretical lens, I demonstrate empirically that socially embedded members determined by a member’s social valued centrality have greater membership longevity and provide more positively rated contributions to the practice side of the eNoP relative to those members less socially embedded

    The Interplay between Social Capital and Knowledge Contribution in Online User Communities

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    Firms have been increasingly relying on online user communities (OUC) to access external, distant knowledge and expertise. Previous research on OUC has largely investigated the influence of individuals\u27 social capital on their knowledge sharing behavior. In this study, we propose a spiral view on the relationship between social capital and knowledge contribution. We suggest that there are two-way interactions between individuals\u27 social capital and their knowledge contribution in online user communities. To test our proposition, we collected and analyzed participation data of 3,512 users from the OUC of BMC, a global leader in innovative software solutions. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of our study for the online user community literature as well as the broader context of online community


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    This paper presents research-in-progress of the adoption and use of social media as part of patients’ self-management of their chronic disease. The purpose is to investigate the social and organizational challenges that social media bring to the healthcare setting. We focus on how nurses can act as mediators between the formal healthcare institution and the informal setting in which patients engage via social media. We discuss how the use of social media influences nurses’ professional identity, roles and responsibilities. Preliminary findings and existing literature point to two issues of interest: 1) The inclusion of the informal system of self-management and use of social media into the formal healthcare system and 2) The development of the role of nurses as boundary spanners. We wish to pursue these issues in a three-year research project, conducting in-depth case studies in 10 General Practices to investigate the collaborative partnership between patients and nurses

    Management Information Systems and the Age of Social Media: An Investigation of Social Network Research

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    Due to the up-rise of social media, social networking sites have increased in popularity and use over the last few years. During this time, research related to social networks has also escalated. This study presents social network research trends found in ISR, JMIS, and MISQ for a six year period, 2005-2010. The social network-related articles from these premier MIS journals were examined in terms of topical theme and research strategy employed. Furthermore, the most productive authors and affiliations were identified and presented individually, by state, and by region. An additional outcome of this research is the presentation of a preliminary classification system for research topics associated social networking, which may also be generalized to include a wide-array of information technology themes

    Proposing a Meta-Theoretical Framework for Innovation Research

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    The importance of theory in the management discipline is the subject of ongoing debate and there have been recent calls for novel conceptualizations to stimulate research. In the area of innovation, one of the main conclusions of the influential Minnesota studies was the need to develop a metatheory. This paper examines the role of theory in the development of the research agenda for the area of innovation. Our approach is to build on the seminal work of the Minnesota studies and on the innovation perspectives of Carl Slappendel. The result of the study is a proposition that Ecological Systems Theory (EST) addresses many of the gaps that emerged from the analysis of the literature. Consequently the paper makes a contribution by developing a meta-theoretical framework for the study of innovation derived from the EST schemata