10,222 research outputs found

    The Growth Costs of Malaria

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    Malaria ranks among the foremost health issues facing tropical countries. In this paper, we explore the determinants of cross-country differences in malaria morbidity, and examine the linkage between malaria and economic growth. Using a classification rule analysis, we confirm the dominant role of climate in accounting for cross-country differences in malaria morbidity. The data, however, do not suggest that tropical location is destiny: controlling for climate, we find that access to rural healthcare and income equality influence malaria morbidity. In a cross-section growth framework, we find a significant negative association between higher malaria morbidity and the growth rate of GDP per capita which is robust to a number of modifications, including controlling for reverse causation. The estimated absolute growth impact of malaria differs sharply across countries; it exceeds a quarter percent per annum in a quarter of the sample countries. Most of these are located in Sub-Saharan Africa (with an estimated average annual growth reduction of 0.55 percent).

    Resilient Golf Course Design: Renovating Eaglewood Golf Course to Improve Stormwater Management & Increase Wildlife Habitat

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    The Earth is experiencing climatic changes globally, influencing issues such as reduced water availability, loss of native habitats for flora and fauna, increased resource demand and consumption by humans, continued dependency on carbon-based energy, rapid population growth and rising global temperatures. In order to combat and mitigate these issues, changes to our design habits will be required. Historically, golf courses have been viewed negatively with regard to environmental impacts, due to excessive water use, reliance on herbicides and pesticides and the carbon footprint associated with mowing. However, recent studies have shown that golf courses have the potential to positively impact their environment by recreating native habitats and providing on-site stormwater management to reduce water needs (Kohler, Poole, Reicher, & Turco, 2004) (Hodgkison, Hero, & Warnken, 2007). Recent changes in the culture of golf course management have led to a shift toward becoming environmental stewards. One of the areas most affected by climate changes is the Upper Mountain/West region that includes Utah, Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming

    Malaria and growth

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    The authors explore the two-sided link between malaria morbidity and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita growth. Climate significantly affects cross-country differences in malaria morbidity. Tropical location is not destiny, however: greater access to rural health care and greater income equality are associated with lower malaria morbidity. But the interpretation of this link is ambiguous: does greater income inequality allow for improved anti-malaria efforts, or does malaria itself increase income inequality? Allowing for two-sided causation, the authors find a significant negative causal effect running from malaria morbidity to the growth rate of GDP per capita. In about a quarter of their sample countries, malaria is estimated to reduce GDP per capita growth by at least 0.25 percentage point a year.Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Public Health Promotion,Disease Control&Prevention,Early Child and Children's Health,Climate Change,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Early Child and Children's Health,Climate Change,Poverty and Health,Health Service Management and Delivery

    Population pressure and the microeconomy of land management in hills and mountains of developing countries:

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    Concerns about harmful environmental impacts are frequently raised in research and policy debates about population growth in the hills and mountains of developing countries. Although establishing wildlife corridors and biosphere reserves is important for preserving selected biodiverse habitats, for the vast majority of hilly-mountainous lands, the major ecological concerns are for the sustainability of local production systems and for watershed integrity. What matters for sustained use of those lands not only is the number of producers but also what, where and how they produce. Evidence from empirical research indicates that population growth in hills and mountains can lead to land enhancement, degradation, or aspects of both. This can be explained by extending induced innovation theory to address environmental impacts of intensification. Increases in the labor-land endowment ratios of households and in local land demand and labor supply make the opportunity cost of land relative to labor increase. As a result, people use hilly-mountainous land resources more intensively for production and consumption, thus tending to deplete resources and significantly alter habitats. But, at the same time, capital- and labor-intensive methods of replenishing or improving soil productivity may become economically more attractive, production systems that enhance the land if the expected discounted returns are greater than those of systems that degrade the land. Users will choose production systems that enhance the land if the expected discounted returns are greater than those of systems that degrade the land. In addition to population change, other factors—market conditions, local institutions and organizations, information and technology about resource management, and local ecological conditions—determine the returns from various production systems.Environmental impact analysis., Population density.,

    Fair Deals for Watershed Services: Lessons from a Multi-country Action-learning Project

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    Payments for ecosystem services make good sense. In the case of watershed ecosystems, downstream beneficiaries of wise upstream land and water stewardship should compensate these upstream stewards. These 'payments for watershed services' (PWS) should contribute to the costs of watershed management and, if upstream communities are also characterised by poverty, these payments should contribute to local development and poverty reduction as well. Debates about both conservation and development have seen a wave of excitement about payments for watershed services in recent years. But on the ground an equivalent surge of action is harder to see. IIED and its partners have been building on earlier international case study work to set up new PWS schemes - to 'learn by doing' and to improve our understanding of the opportunities and the challenges.This report is about the complex business of trying to put a simple conservation and development idea into practice. The idea is that watershed degradation in developing countries might be better tackled than it currently is if downstream beneficiaries of wise land use in watershed areas paid for these benefits. There are some examples around the world of this idea being put into practice - this report reviews these and describes what happened when teams in six developing countries set about exploring how the idea works on the ground

    Discount options as a financial instrument supporting REDD +

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    Global forest management certification: future development potential

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    REDD options as a risk management instrument under policy uncertainty and market volatility

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