164 research outputs found

    Deep Self-Taught Learning for Handwritten Character Recognition

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    Recent theoretical and empirical work in statistical machine learning has demonstrated the importance of learning algorithms for deep architectures, i.e., function classes obtained by composing multiple non-linear transformations. Self-taught learning (exploiting unlabeled examples or examples from other distributions) has already been applied to deep learners, but mostly to show the advantage of unlabeled examples. Here we explore the advantage brought by {\em out-of-distribution examples}. For this purpose we developed a powerful generator of stochastic variations and noise processes for character images, including not only affine transformations but also slant, local elastic deformations, changes in thickness, background images, grey level changes, contrast, occlusion, and various types of noise. The out-of-distribution examples are obtained from these highly distorted images or by including examples of object classes different from those in the target test set. We show that {\em deep learners benefit more from out-of-distribution examples than a corresponding shallow learner}, at least in the area of handwritten character recognition. In fact, we show that they beat previously published results and reach human-level performance on both handwritten digit classification and 62-class handwritten character recognition

    SAFS: A Deep Feature Selection Approach for Precision Medicine

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    In this paper, we propose a new deep feature selection method based on deep architecture. Our method uses stacked auto-encoders for feature representation in higher-level abstraction. We developed and applied a novel feature learning approach to a specific precision medicine problem, which focuses on assessing and prioritizing risk factors for hypertension (HTN) in a vulnerable demographic subgroup (African-American). Our approach is to use deep learning to identify significant risk factors affecting left ventricular mass indexed to body surface area (LVMI) as an indicator of heart damage risk. The results show that our feature learning and representation approach leads to better results in comparison with others

    Classifying Network Data with Deep Kernel Machines

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    Inspired by a growing interest in analyzing network data, we study the problem of node classification on graphs, focusing on approaches based on kernel machines. Conventionally, kernel machines are linear classifiers in the implicit feature space. We argue that linear classification in the feature space of kernels commonly used for graphs is often not enough to produce good results. When this is the case, one naturally considers nonlinear classifiers in the feature space. We show that repeating this process produces something we call "deep kernel machines." We provide some examples where deep kernel machines can make a big difference in classification performance, and point out some connections to various recent literature on deep architectures in artificial intelligence and machine learning

    Zero-Shot Learning for Semantic Utterance Classification

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    We propose a novel zero-shot learning method for semantic utterance classification (SUC). It learns a classifier f:X→Yf: X \to Y for problems where none of the semantic categories YY are present in the training set. The framework uncovers the link between categories and utterances using a semantic space. We show that this semantic space can be learned by deep neural networks trained on large amounts of search engine query log data. More precisely, we propose a novel method that can learn discriminative semantic features without supervision. It uses the zero-shot learning framework to guide the learning of the semantic features. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the zero-shot semantic learning algorithm on the SUC dataset collected by (Tur, 2012). Furthermore, we achieve state-of-the-art results by combining the semantic features with a supervised method
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