4 research outputs found

    Determination of Ranking Fraud for Mobile Applications

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    Mobile application is important for all the smart phone users to play or perform different tasks .There large numbers of mobile application developers are available; they can develop the different mobile applications. For making lager users for their mobile applications some developers refers fraudulent activities. Due to these fraudulent activities the mobile applications jump up in the application popularity list. Such fraudulent activities are used by more and more application developers. The fraudulent activities are like mobile application rating, review and its ranking. For this issue large number of users makes a mistake and downloads the mobile applications which have higher review, rating and ranking. So in this paper, we determine the ranking fraud happens in mobile applications and develop ranking fraud detection system. For identifying the ranking fraud, first we consider leading sessions of mobile applications. Then we examine three types of evidences, these are 1) Ranking based evidence, 2) Rating based evidence and 3) Review based evidence. After this we can aggregate all these evidences for fraud detection. Finally, we develop a system that determines fraud happened in mobile applications

    A Review Paper on Mobile App Recommendation & Ranking Fraud Detection on Relationship among Rating Review & Ranking

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    Ranking extortion in the portable App business sector alludes to fake or misleading exercises which have a motivation behind knocking up the Apps in the fame list. For sure, it turns out to be more successive for App designers to utilize shady means, for example, swelling their Apps' business or posting fake App appraisals, to submit positioning extortion. While the significance of averting positioning extortion has been broadly perceived, there is restricted comprehension and examination here. To this end, in this paper, we give an all-encompassing perspective of positioning misrepresentation and propose a positioning extortion recognition framework for portable Apps. In particular, we first propose to precisely find the mining so as to position misrepresentation the dynamic periods, to be specific driving sessions, of versatile Apps. Such driving sessions can be utilized for distinguishing the neighborhood oddity rather than worldwide peculiarity of App rankings. Moreover, we research three sorts of proofs, i.e., positioning based confirmations, modeling so as to rate based proofs and audit based proofs, Apps' positioning, rating and survey practices through measurable speculations tests. What's more, we propose a streamlining based total technique to incorporate every one of the proofs for misrepresentation detection.The versatile application suggestion for finally, we assess the proposed framework with true App information gathered from the iOS App Store for quite a while period. In the trials, we approve the adequacy of the proposed framework, and demonstrate the adaptability of the recognition calculation and also some normality of positioning extortion exercises


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    Within the literature works because there are some related studies, like web ranking junk e-mail recognition, recognition of internet review junk e-mail in addition to mobile application recommendation, impracticality of recognition of ranking fraud for mobile programs remains under-investigated. For achieving inside the crucial void, we advise to develop a ranking fraud recognition system meant for mobile programs. We submit an amazing-natural vision of ranking fraud while growing your ranking fraud recognition system meant for mobile programs. It's extended by way of other domain produced particulars for ranking fraud recognition. Within the suggested system of ranking fraud recognition system for mobile programs, it's worth watching the entire evidences are acquired by way of modelling of programs ranking, rating and review behaviours completely through record ideas tests