20 research outputs found

    Dual Embedding Expansion for Vehicle Re-identification

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    Vehicle re-identification plays a crucial role in the management of transportation infrastructure and traffic flow. However, this is a challenging task due to the large view-point variations in appearance, environmental and instance-related factors. Modern systems deploy CNNs to produce unique representations from the images of each vehicle instance. Most work focuses on leveraging new losses and network architectures to improve the descriptiveness of these representations. In contrast, our work concentrates on re-ranking and embedding expansion techniques. We propose an efficient approach for combining the outputs of multiple models at various scales while exploiting tracklet and neighbor information, called dual embedding expansion (DEx). Additionally, a comparative study of several common image retrieval techniques is presented in the context of vehicle re-ID. Our system yields competitive performance in the 2020 NVIDIA AI City Challenge with promising results. We demonstrate that DEx when combined with other re-ranking techniques, can produce an even larger gain without any additional attribute labels or manual supervision

    Visualizing the Invisible: Occluded Vehicle Segmentation and Recovery

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    In this paper, we propose a novel iterative multi-task framework to complete the segmentation mask of an occluded vehicle and recover the appearance of its invisible parts. In particular, to improve the quality of the segmentation completion, we present two coupled discriminators and introduce an auxiliary 3D model pool for sampling authentic silhouettes as adversarial samples. In addition, we propose a two-path structure with a shared network to enhance the appearance recovery capability. By iteratively performing the segmentation completion and the appearance recovery, the results will be progressively refined. To evaluate our method, we present a dataset, the Occluded Vehicle dataset, containing synthetic and real-world occluded vehicle images. We conduct comparison experiments on this dataset and demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art in tasks of recovering segmentation mask and appearance for occluded vehicles. Moreover, we also demonstrate that our appearance recovery approach can benefit the occluded vehicle tracking in real-world videos