2 research outputs found

    Efficient Point-Counting Algorithms for Superelliptic Curves

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    In this paper, we present efficient algorithms for computing the number of points and the order of the Jacobian group of a superelliptic curve over finite fields of prime order p. Our method employs the Hasse-Weil bounds in conjunction with the Hasse-Witt matrix for superelliptic curves, whose entries we express in terms of multinomial coefficients. We present a fast algorithm for counting points on specific trinomial superelliptic curves and a slower, more general method for all superelliptic curves. For the first case, we reduce the problem of simplifying the entries of the Hasse-Witt matrix modulo p to a problem of solving quadratic Diophantine equations. For the second case, we extend Bostan et al.'s method for hyperelliptic curves to general superelliptic curves. We believe the methods we describe are asymptotically the most efficient known point-counting algorithms for certain families of trinomial superelliptic curves

    Hasse-Witt and Cartier-Manin matrices: A warning and a request

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    Let X be a curve in positive characteristic. A Hasse--Witt matrix for X is a matrix that represents the action of the Frobenius operator on the cohomology group H^1(X,O_X) with respect to some basis. A Cartier--Manin matrix for X is a matrix that represents the action of the Cartier operator on the space of holomorphic differentials of X with respect to some basis. The operators that these matrices represent are adjoint to one another, so Hasse--Witt matrices and the Cartier--Manin matrices are related to one another, but there seems to be a fair amount of confusion in the literature about the exact nature of this relationship. This confusion arises from differences in terminology, from differing conventions about whether matrices act on the left or on the right, and from misunderstandings about the proper formulae for iterating semilinear operators. Unfortunately, this confusion has led to the publication of incorrect results. In this paper we present the issues involved as clearly as we can, and we look through the literature to see where there may be problems. We encourage future authors to clearly distinguish between Hasse--Witt and Cartier--Manin matrices, in the hope that further errors can be avoided.Comment: Corrected version; an error in Section 2.5 has been fixe