1 research outputs found

    The Fine-Grained and Parallel Complexity of Andersen's Pointer Analysis

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    Pointer analysis is one of the fundamental problems in static program analysis. Given a set of pointers, the task is to produce a useful over-approximation of the memory locations that each pointer may point-to at runtime. The most common formulation is Andersen's Pointer Analysis (APA), defined as an inclusion-based set of mm pointer constraints over a set of nn pointers. Existing algorithms solve APA in O(n2⋅m)O(n^2\cdot m) time, while it has been conjectured that the problem has no truly sub-cubic algorithm, with a proof so far having remained elusive. Besides this simple bound, the complexity of the problem has remained poorly understood. In this work we draw a rich fine-grained and parallel complexity landscape of APA, and present upper and lower bounds. First, we establish an O(n3)O(n^3) upper-bound for general APA, improving over O(n2⋅m)O(n^2\cdot m) as n=O(m)n=O(m). Second, we show that even on-demand APA (``may a \emph{specific} pointer aa point to a \emph{specific} location bb?'') has an Ω(n3)\Omega(n^3) (combinatorial) lower bound under standard complexity-theoretic hypotheses. This formally establishes the long-conjectured ``cubic bottleneck'' of APA, and shows that our O(n3)O(n^3)-time algorithm is optimal. Third, we show that under mild restrictions, APA is solvable in O~(nω)\tilde{O}(n^{\omega}) time, where ω<2.373\omega<2.373 is the matrix-multiplication coefficient. It is believed that ω=2+o(1)\omega=2+o(1), in which case this bound becomes quadratic. Fourth, we show that even under such restrictions, even the on-demand problem has an Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) lower bound, and hence our algorithm is optimal when ω=2+o(1)\omega=2+o(1). Fifth, we study the parallelizability of APA and establish lower and upper bounds: (i) in general, the problem is P-complete and hence not parallelizable, whereas (ii) under mild restrictions, the problem is in NC and hence parallelizable