13,958 research outputs found

    Control Aware Radio Resource Allocation in Low Latency Wireless Control Systems

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    We consider the problem of allocating radio resources over wireless communication links to control a series of independent wireless control systems. Low-latency transmissions are necessary in enabling time-sensitive control systems to operate over wireless links with high reliability. Achieving fast data rates over wireless links thus comes at the cost of reliability in the form of high packet error rates compared to wired links due to channel noise and interference. However, the effect of the communication link errors on the control system performance depends dynamically on the control system state. We propose a novel control-communication co-design approach to the low-latency resource allocation problem. We incorporate control and channel state information to make scheduling decisions over time on frequency, bandwidth and data rates across the next-generation Wi-Fi based wireless communication links that close the control loops. Control systems that are closer to instability or further from a desired range in a given control cycle are given higher packet delivery rate targets to meet. Rather than a simple priority ranking, we derive precise packet error rate targets for each system needed to satisfy stability targets and make scheduling decisions to meet such targets while reducing total transmission time. The resulting Control-Aware Low Latency Scheduling (CALLS) method is tested in numerous simulation experiments that demonstrate its effectiveness in meeting control-based goals under tight latency constraints relative to control-agnostic scheduling

    Gossip Algorithms for Distributed Signal Processing

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    Gossip algorithms are attractive for in-network processing in sensor networks because they do not require any specialized routing, there is no bottleneck or single point of failure, and they are robust to unreliable wireless network conditions. Recently, there has been a surge of activity in the computer science, control, signal processing, and information theory communities, developing faster and more robust gossip algorithms and deriving theoretical performance guarantees. This article presents an overview of recent work in the area. We describe convergence rate results, which are related to the number of transmitted messages and thus the amount of energy consumed in the network for gossiping. We discuss issues related to gossiping over wireless links, including the effects of quantization and noise, and we illustrate the use of gossip algorithms for canonical signal processing tasks including distributed estimation, source localization, and compression.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the IEEE, 29 page

    JiTS: Just-in-Time Scheduling for Real-Time Sensor Data Dissemination

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    We consider the problem of real-time data dissemination in wireless sensor networks, in which data are associated with deadlines and it is desired for data to reach the sink(s) by their deadlines. To this end, existing real-time data dissemination work have developed packet scheduling schemes that prioritize packets according to their deadlines. In this paper, we first demonstrate that not only the scheduling discipline but also the routing protocol has a significant impact on the success of real-time sensor data dissemination. We show that the shortest path routing using the minimum number of hops leads to considerably better performance than Geographical Forwarding, which has often been used in existing real-time data dissemination work. We also observe that packet prioritization by itself is not enough for real-time data dissemination, since many high priority packets may simultaneously contend for network resources, deteriorating the network performance. Instead, real-time packets could be judiciously delayed to avoid severe contention as long as their deadlines can be met. Based on this observation, we propose a Just-in-Time Scheduling (JiTS) algorithm for scheduling data transmissions to alleviate the shortcomings of the existing solutions. We explore several policies for non-uniformly delaying data at different intermediate nodes to account for the higher expected contention as the packet gets closer to the sink(s). By an extensive simulation study, we demonstrate that JiTS can significantly improve the deadline miss ratio and packet drop ratio compared to existing approaches in various situations. Notably, JiTS improves the performance requiring neither lower layer support nor synchronization among the sensor nodes
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