242 research outputs found

    Explicit MBR All-Symbol Locality Codes

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    Node failures are inevitable in distributed storage systems (DSS). To enable efficient repair when faced with such failures, two main techniques are known: Regenerating codes, i.e., codes that minimize the total repair bandwidth; and codes with locality, which minimize the number of nodes participating in the repair process. This paper focuses on regenerating codes with locality, using pre-coding based on Gabidulin codes, and presents constructions that utilize minimum bandwidth regenerating (MBR) local codes. The constructions achieve maximum resilience (i.e., optimal minimum distance) and have maximum capacity (i.e., maximum rate). Finally, the same pre-coding mechanism can be combined with a subclass of fractional-repetition codes to enable maximum resilience and repair-by-transfer simultaneously

    High-Rate Regenerating Codes Through Layering

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    In this paper, we provide explicit constructions for a class of exact-repair regenerating codes that possess a layered structure. These regenerating codes correspond to interior points on the storage-repair-bandwidth tradeoff, and compare very well in comparison to scheme that employs space-sharing between MSR and MBR codes. For the parameter set (n,k,d=k)(n,k,d=k) with n<2k1n < 2k-1, we construct a class of codes with an auxiliary parameter ww, referred to as canonical codes. With ww in the range nk<w<kn-k < w < k, these codes operate in the region between the MSR point and the MBR point, and perform significantly better than the space-sharing line. They only require a field size greater than w+nkw+n-k. For the case of (n,n1,n1)(n,n-1,n-1), canonical codes can also be shown to achieve an interior point on the line-segment joining the MSR point and the next point of slope-discontinuity on the storage-repair-bandwidth tradeoff. Thus we establish the existence of exact-repair codes on a point other than the MSR and the MBR point on the storage-repair-bandwidth tradeoff. We also construct layered regenerating codes for general parameter set (n,k<d,k)(n,k<d,k), which we refer to as non-canonical codes. These codes also perform significantly better than the space-sharing line, though they require a significantly higher field size. All the codes constructed in this paper are high-rate, can repair multiple node-failures and do not require any computation at the helper nodes. We also construct optimal codes with locality in which the local codes are layered regenerating codes.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Repairable Block Failure Resilient Codes

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    In large scale distributed storage systems (DSS) deployed in cloud computing, correlated failures resulting in simultaneous failure (or, unavailability) of blocks of nodes are common. In such scenarios, the stored data or a content of a failed node can only be reconstructed from the available live nodes belonging to available blocks. To analyze the resilience of the system against such block failures, this work introduces the framework of Block Failure Resilient (BFR) codes, wherein the data (e.g., file in DSS) can be decoded by reading out from a same number of codeword symbols (nodes) from each available blocks of the underlying codeword. Further, repairable BFR codes are introduced, wherein any codeword symbol in a failed block can be repaired by contacting to remaining blocks in the system. Motivated from regenerating codes, file size bounds for repairable BFR codes are derived, trade-off between per node storage and repair bandwidth is analyzed, and BFR-MSR and BFR-MBR points are derived. Explicit codes achieving these two operating points for a wide set of parameters are constructed by utilizing combinatorial designs, wherein the codewords of the underlying outer codes are distributed to BFR codeword symbols according to projective planes

    Storage codes -- coding rate and repair locality

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    The {\em repair locality} of a distributed storage code is the maximum number of nodes that ever needs to be contacted during the repair of a failed node. Having small repair locality is desirable, since it is proportional to the number of disk accesses during repair. However, recent publications show that small repair locality comes with a penalty in terms of code distance or storage overhead if exact repair is required. Here, we first review some of the main results on storage codes under various repair regimes and discuss the recent work on possible (information-theoretical) trade-offs between repair locality and other code parameters like storage overhead and code distance, under the exact repair regime. Then we present some new information theoretical lower bounds on the storage overhead as a function of the repair locality, valid for all common coding and repair models. In particular, we show that if each of the nn nodes in a distributed storage system has storage capacity \ga and if, at any time, a failed node can be {\em functionally} repaired by contacting {\em some} set of rr nodes (which may depend on the actual state of the system) and downloading an amount \gb of data from each, then in the extreme cases where \ga=\gb or \ga = r\gb, the maximal coding rate is at most r/(r+1)r/(r+1) or 1/2, respectively (that is, the excess storage overhead is at least 1/r1/r or 1, respectively).Comment: Accepted for publication in ICNC'13, San Diego, US

    Optimal Locally Repairable and Secure Codes for Distributed Storage Systems

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    This paper aims to go beyond resilience into the study of security and local-repairability for distributed storage systems (DSS). Security and local-repairability are both important as features of an efficient storage system, and this paper aims to understand the trade-offs between resilience, security, and local-repairability in these systems. In particular, this paper first investigates security in the presence of colluding eavesdroppers, where eavesdroppers are assumed to work together in decoding stored information. Second, the paper focuses on coding schemes that enable optimal local repairs. It further brings these two concepts together, to develop locally repairable coding schemes for DSS that are secure against eavesdroppers. The main results of this paper include: a. An improved bound on the secrecy capacity for minimum storage regenerating codes, b. secure coding schemes that achieve the bound for some special cases, c. a new bound on minimum distance for locally repairable codes, d. code construction for locally repairable codes that attain the minimum distance bound, and e. repair-bandwidth-efficient locally repairable codes with and without security constraints.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Increasing Availability in Distributed Storage Systems via Clustering

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    We introduce the Fixed Cluster Repair System (FCRS) as a novel architecture for Distributed Storage Systems (DSS), achieving a small repair bandwidth while guaranteeing a high availability. Specifically we partition the set of servers in a DSS into ss clusters and allow a failed server to choose any cluster other than its own as its repair group. Thereby, we guarantee an availability of s1s-1. We characterize the repair bandwidth vs. storage trade-off for the FCRS under functional repair and show that the minimum repair bandwidth can be improved by an asymptotic multiplicative factor of 2/32/3 compared to the state of the art coding techniques that guarantee the same availability. We further introduce Cubic Codes designed to minimize the repair bandwidth of the FCRS under the exact repair model. We prove an asymptotic multiplicative improvement of 0.790.79 in the minimum repair bandwidth compared to the existing exact repair coding techniques that achieve the same availability. We show that Cubic Codes are information-theoretically optimal for the FCRS with 22 and 33 complete clusters. Furthermore, under the repair-by-transfer model, Cubic Codes are optimal irrespective of the number of clusters

    Optimal Locally Repairable Codes via Rank-Metric Codes

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    This paper presents a new explicit construction for locally repairable codes (LRCs) for distributed storage systems which possess all-symbols locality and maximal possible minimum distance, or equivalently, can tolerate the maximal number of node failures. This construction, based on maximum rank distance (MRD) Gabidulin codes, provides new optimal vector and scalar LRCs. In addition, the paper also discusses mechanisms by which codes obtained using this construction can be used to construct LRCs with efficient repair of failed nodes by combination of LRC with regenerating codes