1,526 research outputs found

    Multilingual Language Processing From Bytes

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    We describe an LSTM-based model which we call Byte-to-Span (BTS) that reads text as bytes and outputs span annotations of the form [start, length, label] where start positions, lengths, and labels are separate entries in our vocabulary. Because we operate directly on unicode bytes rather than language-specific words or characters, we can analyze text in many languages with a single model. Due to the small vocabulary size, these multilingual models are very compact, but produce results similar to or better than the state-of- the-art in Part-of-Speech tagging and Named Entity Recognition that use only the provided training datasets (no external data sources). Our models are learning "from scratch" in that they do not rely on any elements of the standard pipeline in Natural Language Processing (including tokenization), and thus can run in standalone fashion on raw text

    Deep Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

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    The goal of this work is to recognise phrases and sentences being spoken by a talking face, with or without the audio. Unlike previous works that have focussed on recognising a limited number of words or phrases, we tackle lip reading as an open-world problem - unconstrained natural language sentences, and in the wild videos. Our key contributions are: (1) we compare two models for lip reading, one using a CTC loss, and the other using a sequence-to-sequence loss. Both models are built on top of the transformer self-attention architecture; (2) we investigate to what extent lip reading is complementary to audio speech recognition, especially when the audio signal is noisy; (3) we introduce and publicly release a new dataset for audio-visual speech recognition, LRS2-BBC, consisting of thousands of natural sentences from British television. The models that we train surpass the performance of all previous work on a lip reading benchmark dataset by a significant margin.Comment: Accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Knowledge-Aware Audio-Grounded Generative Slot Filling for Limited Annotated Data

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    Manually annotating fine-grained slot-value labels for task-oriented dialogue (ToD) systems is an expensive and time-consuming endeavour. This motivates research into slot-filling methods that operate with limited amounts of labelled data. Moreover, the majority of current work on ToD is based solely on text as the input modality, neglecting the additional challenges of imperfect automatic speech recognition (ASR) when working with spoken language. In this work, we propose a Knowledge-Aware Audio-Grounded generative slot-filling framework, termed KA2G, that focuses on few-shot and zero-shot slot filling for ToD with speech input. KA2G achieves robust and data-efficient slot filling for speech-based ToD by 1) framing it as a text generation task, 2) grounding text generation additionally in the audio modality, and 3) conditioning on available external knowledge (e.g. a predefined list of possible slot values). We show that combining both modalities within the KA2G framework improves the robustness against ASR errors. Further, the knowledge-aware slot-value generator in KA2G, implemented via a pointer generator mechanism, particularly benefits few-shot and zero-shot learning. Experiments, conducted on the standard speech-based single-turn SLURP dataset and a multi-turn dataset extracted from a commercial ToD system, display strong and consistent gains over prior work, especially in few-shot and zero-shot setups.Comment: to submit to CS&

    Adaptive Sparse and Monotonic Attention for Transformer-based Automatic Speech Recognition

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    The Transformer architecture model, based on self-attention and multi-head attention, has achieved remarkable success in offline end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). However, self-attention and multi-head attention cannot be easily applied for streaming or online ASR. For self-attention in Transformer ASR, the softmax normalization function-based attention mechanism makes it impossible to highlight important speech information. For multi-head attention in Transformer ASR, it is not easy to model monotonic alignments in different heads. To overcome these two limits, we integrate sparse attention and monotonic attention into Transformer-based ASR. The sparse mechanism introduces a learned sparsity scheme to enable each self-attention structure to fit the corresponding head better. The monotonic attention deploys regularization to prune redundant heads for the multi-head attention structure. The experiments show that our method can effectively improve the attention mechanism on widely used benchmarks of speech recognition.Comment: Accepted to DSAA 202
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