149 research outputs found

    Essays On Random Forest Ensembles

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    A random forest is a popular machine learning ensemble method that has proven successful in solving a wide range of classification problems. While other successful classifiers, such as boosting algorithms or neural networks, admit natural interpretations as maximum likelihood, a suitable statistical interpretation is much more elusive for a random forest. In the first part of this thesis, we demonstrate that a random forest is a fruitful framework in which to study AdaBoost and deep neural networks. We explore the concept and utility of interpolation, the ability of a classifier to perfectly fit its training data. In the second part of this thesis, we place a random forest on more sound statistical footing by framing it as kernel regression with the proximity kernel. We then analyze the parameters that control the bandwidth of this kernel and discuss useful generalizations

    Do Neural Networks Generalize from Self-Averaging Sub-classifiers in the Same Way As Adaptive Boosting?

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    In recent years, neural networks (NNs) have made giant leaps in a wide variety of domains. NNs are often referred to as black box algorithms due to how little we can explain their empirical success. Our foundational research seeks to explain why neural networks generalize. A recent advancement derived a mutual information measure for explaining the performance of deep NNs through a sequence of increasingly complex functions. We show deep NNs learn a series of boosted classifiers whose generalization is popularly attributed to self-averaging over an increasing number of interpolating sub-classifiers. To our knowledge, we are the first authors to establish the connection between generalization in boosted classifiers and generalization in deep NNs. Our experimental evidence and theoretical analysis suggest NNs trained with dropout exhibit similar self-averaging behavior over interpolating sub-classifiers as cited in popular explanations for the post-interpolation generalization phenomenon in boosting

    Overview of AdaBoost : Reconciling its views to better understand its dynamics

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    Boosting methods have been introduced in the late 1980's. They were born following the theoritical aspect of PAC learning. The main idea of boosting methods is to combine weak learners to obtain a strong learner. The weak learners are obtained iteratively by an heuristic which tries to correct the mistakes of the previous weak learner. In 1995, Freund and Schapire [18] introduced AdaBoost, a boosting algorithm that is still widely used today. Since then, many views of the algorithm have been proposed to properly tame its dynamics. In this paper, we will try to cover all the views that one can have on AdaBoost. We will start with the original view of Freund and Schapire before covering the different views and unify them with the same formalism. We hope this paper will help the non-expert reader to better understand the dynamics of AdaBoost and how the different views are equivalent and related to each other


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     Automated essay scoring (AES) is used to evaluate and assessment student essays are written based on the questions given. However, there are difficulties in conducting automatic assessments carried out by the system, these difficulties occur due to typing errors (typos), the use of regional languages , or incorrect punctuation. These errors make the assessment less consistent and accurate. Based on the dataset analysis that has been carried out, there is an imbalance between the number of right and wrong answers, so a technique is needed to overcome the data imbalance. Based on the literature, to overcome these problems, the Random Forest and AdaBoost classification algorithms can be used to improve the consistency of classification accuracy and the SMOTE method to overcome data imbalances.The Random Forest method using SMOTE can achieve an F1 measure of 99%, which means that the hybrid method can overcome the problem of imbalanced datasets that are limited to AES. The AdaBoost model with SMOTE produces the highest F1 measure reaching 99% of the entire dataset. The structure of the dataset is something that also affects the performance of the model. So the best model obtained in this study is the Random Forest model with SMOTE
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