969 research outputs found

    Ambiguity-Aware Multi-Object Pose Optimization for Visually-Assisted Robot Manipulation

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    6D object pose estimation aims to infer the relative pose between the object and the camera using a single image or multiple images. Most works have focused on predicting the object pose without associated uncertainty under occlusion and structural ambiguity (symmetricity). However, these works demand prior information about shape attributes, and this condition is hardly satisfied in reality; even asymmetric objects may be symmetric under the viewpoint change. In addition, acquiring and fusing diverse sensor data is challenging when extending them to robotics applications. Tackling these limitations, we present an ambiguity-aware 6D object pose estimation network, PrimA6D++, as a generic uncertainty prediction method. The major challenges in pose estimation, such as occlusion and symmetry, can be handled in a generic manner based on the measured ambiguity of the prediction. Specifically, we devise a network to reconstruct the three rotation axis primitive images of a target object and predict the underlying uncertainty along each primitive axis. Leveraging the estimated uncertainty, we then optimize multi-object poses using visual measurements and camera poses by treating it as an object SLAM problem. The proposed method shows a significant performance improvement in T-LESS and YCB-Video datasets. We further demonstrate real-time scene recognition capability for visually-assisted robot manipulation. Our code and supplementary materials are available at https://github.com/rpmsnu/PrimA6D.Comment: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    Learning Implicit Probability Distribution Functions for Symmetric Orientation Estimation from RGB Images Without Pose Labels

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    Object pose estimation is a necessary prerequisite for autonomous robotic manipulation, but the presence of symmetry increases the complexity of the pose estimation task. Existing methods for object pose estimation output a single 6D pose. Thus, they lack the ability to reason about symmetries. Lately, modeling object orientation as a non-parametric probability distribution on the SO(3) manifold by neural networks has shown impressive results. However, acquiring large-scale datasets to train pose estimation models remains a bottleneck. To address this limitation, we introduce an automatic pose labeling scheme. Given RGB-D images without object pose annotations and 3D object models, we design a two-stage pipeline consisting of point cloud registration and render-and-compare validation to generate multiple symmetrical pseudo-ground-truth pose labels for each image. Using the generated pose labels, we train an ImplicitPDF model to estimate the likelihood of an orientation hypothesis given an RGB image. An efficient hierarchical sampling of the SO(3) manifold enables tractable generation of the complete set of symmetries at multiple resolutions. During inference, the most likely orientation of the target object is estimated using gradient ascent. We evaluate the proposed automatic pose labeling scheme and the ImplicitPDF model on a photorealistic dataset and the T-Less dataset, demonstrating the advantages of the proposed method

    Robust 6D Object Pose Estimation by Learning RGB-D Features

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    Accurate 6D object pose estimation is fundamental to robotic manipulation and grasping. Previous methods follow a local optimization approach which minimizes the distance between closest point pairs to handle the rotation ambiguity of symmetric objects. In this work, we propose a novel discrete-continuous formulation for rotation regression to resolve this local-optimum problem. We uniformly sample rotation anchors in SO(3), and predict a constrained deviation from each anchor to the target, as well as uncertainty scores for selecting the best prediction. Additionally, the object location is detected by aggregating point-wise vectors pointing to the 3D center. Experiments on two benchmarks: LINEMOD and YCB-Video, show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. Our code is available at https://github.com/mentian/object-posenet.Comment: Accepted at ICRA 202
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