15 research outputs found

    Explaining Landscape Connectivity of Low-cost Solutions for Multilayer Nets

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    Mode connectivity is a surprising phenomenon in the loss landscape of deep nets. Optima -- at least those discovered by gradient-based optimization -- turn out to be connected by simple paths on which the loss function is almost constant. Often, these paths can be chosen to be piece-wise linear, with as few as two segments. We give mathematical explanations for this phenomenon, assuming generic properties (such as dropout stability and noise stability) of well-trained deep nets, which have previously been identified as part of understanding the generalization properties of deep nets. Our explanation holds for realistic multilayer nets, and experiments are presented to verify the theory

    Landscape connectivity and dropout stability of SGD solutions for over-parameterized neural networks

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    The optimization of multilayer neural networks typically leads to a solution with zero training error, yet the landscape can exhibit spurious local minima and the minima can be disconnected. In this paper, we shed light on this phenomenon: we show that the combination of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and over-parameterization makes the landscape of multilayer neural networks approximately connected and thus more favorable to optimization. More specifically, we prove that SGD solutions are connected via a piecewise linear path, and the increase in loss along this path vanishes as the number of neurons grows large. This result is a consequence of the fact that the parameters found by SGD are increasingly dropout stable as the network becomes wider. We show that, if we remove part of the neurons (and suitably rescale the remaining ones), the change in loss is independent of the total number of neurons, and it depends only on how many neurons are left. Our results exhibit a mild dependence on the input dimension: they are dimension-free for two-layer networks and depend linearly on the dimension for multilayer networks. We validate our theoretical findings with numerical experiments for different architectures and classification tasks

    When Are Solutions Connected in Deep Networks?

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    The question of how and why the phenomenon of mode connectivity occurs in training deep neural networks has gained remarkable attention in the research community. From a theoretical perspective, two possible explanations have been proposed: (i) the loss function has connected sublevel sets, and (ii) the solutions found by stochastic gradient descent are dropout stable. While these explanations provide insights into the phenomenon, their assumptions are not always satisfied in practice. In particular, the first approach requires the network to have one layer with order of NN neurons (NN being the number of training samples), while the second one requires the loss to be almost invariant after removing half of the neurons at each layer (up to some rescaling of the remaining ones). In this work, we improve both conditions by exploiting the quality of the features at every intermediate layer together with a milder over-parameterization condition. More specifically, we show that: (i) under generic assumptions on the features of intermediate layers, it suffices that the last two hidden layers have order of N\sqrt{N} neurons, and (ii) if subsets of features at each layer are linearly separable, then no over-parameterization is needed to show the connectivity. Our experiments confirm that the proposed condition ensures the connectivity of solutions found by stochastic gradient descent, even in settings where the previous requirements do not hold.Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS 202

    The Global Landscape of Neural Networks: An Overview

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    One of the major concerns for neural network training is that the non-convexity of the associated loss functions may cause bad landscape. The recent success of neural networks suggests that their loss landscape is not too bad, but what specific results do we know about the landscape? In this article, we review recent findings and results on the global landscape of neural networks. First, we point out that wide neural nets may have sub-optimal local minima under certain assumptions. Second, we discuss a few rigorous results on the geometric properties of wide networks such as "no bad basin", and some modifications that eliminate sub-optimal local minima and/or decreasing paths to infinity. Third, we discuss visualization and empirical explorations of the landscape for practical neural nets. Finally, we briefly discuss some convergence results and their relation to landscape results.Comment: 16 pages. 8 figure

    Flatter, faster: scaling momentum for optimal speedup of SGD

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    Commonly used optimization algorithms often show a trade-off between good generalization and fast training times. For instance, stochastic gradient descent (SGD) tends to have good generalization; however, adaptive gradient methods have superior training times. Momentum can help accelerate training with SGD, but so far there has been no principled way to select the momentum hyperparameter. Here we study training dynamics arising from the interplay between SGD with label noise and momentum in the training of overparametrized neural networks. We find that scaling the momentum hyperparameter 1−β1-\beta with the learning rate to the power of 2/32/3 maximally accelerates training, without sacrificing generalization. To analytically derive this result we develop an architecture-independent framework, where the main assumption is the existence of a degenerate manifold of global minimizers, as is natural in overparametrized models. Training dynamics display the emergence of two characteristic timescales that are well-separated for generic values of the hyperparameters. The maximum acceleration of training is reached when these two timescales meet, which in turn determines the scaling limit we propose. We confirm our scaling rule for synthetic regression problems (matrix sensing and teacher-student paradigm) and classification for realistic datasets (ResNet-18 on CIFAR10, 6-layer MLP on FashionMNIST), suggesting the robustness of our scaling rule to variations in architectures and datasets.Comment: v2: expanded introduction section, corrected minor typos. v1: 12+13 pages, 3 figure

    Plateau in Monotonic Linear Interpolation -- A "Biased" View of Loss Landscape for Deep Networks

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    Monotonic linear interpolation (MLI) - on the line connecting a random initialization with the minimizer it converges to, the loss and accuracy are monotonic - is a phenomenon that is commonly observed in the training of neural networks. Such a phenomenon may seem to suggest that optimization of neural networks is easy. In this paper, we show that the MLI property is not necessarily related to the hardness of optimization problems, and empirical observations on MLI for deep neural networks depend heavily on biases. In particular, we show that interpolating both weights and biases linearly leads to very different influences on the final output, and when different classes have different last-layer biases on a deep network, there will be a long plateau in both the loss and accuracy interpolation (which existing theory of MLI cannot explain). We also show how the last-layer biases for different classes can be different even on a perfectly balanced dataset using a simple model. Empirically we demonstrate that similar intuitions hold on practical networks and realistic datasets.Comment: ICLR 202

    Landscape Connectivity and Dropout Stability of SGD Solutions for Over-parameterized Neural Networks

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    The optimization of multilayer neural networks typically leads to a solution with zero training error, yet the landscape can exhibit spurious local minima and the minima can be disconnected. In this paper, we shed light on this phenomenon: we show that the combination of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and over-parameterization makes the landscape of multilayer neural networks approximately connected and thus more favorable to optimization. More specifically, we prove that SGD solutions are connected via a piecewise linear path, and the increase in loss along this path vanishes as the number of neurons grows large. This result is a consequence of the fact that the parameters found by SGD are increasingly dropout stable as the network becomes wider. We show that, if we remove part of the neurons (and suitably rescale the remaining ones), the change in loss is independent of the total number of neurons, and it depends only on how many neurons are left. Our results exhibit a mild dependence on the input dimension: they are dimension-free for two-layer networks and depend linearly on the dimension for multilayer networks. We validate our theoretical findings with numerical experiments for different architectures and classification tasks.Comment: Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML