3 research outputs found

    Expert knowledge management based on ontology in a digital library

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    The architecture of the future Digital Libraries should be able to allow any users to access available knowledge resources from anywhere and at any time and efficient manner. Moreover to the individual user, there is a great deal of useless information in addition to the substantial amount of useful information. The goal is to investigate how to best combine Artificial Intelligent and Semantic Web technologies for semantic searching across largely distributed and heterogeneous digital libraries. The Artificial Intelligent and Semantic Web have provided both new possibilities and challenges to automatic information processing in search engine process. The major research tasks involved are to apply appropriate infrastructure for specific digital library system construction, to enrich metadata records with ontologies and enable semantic searching upon such intelligent system infrastructure. We study improving the efficiency of search methods to search a distributed data space like a Digital Library. This paper outlines the development of a CaseBased Reasoning prototype system based in an ontology for retrieval information of the Digital Library University of Seville. The results demonstrate that the used of expert system and the ontology into the retrieval process, the effectiveness of the information retrieval is enhanced

    Intelligent Knowledge Retrieval from Industrial Repositories

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    Actually, a large amount of information is stored in the industrial repositories. Accessing this information is complicated, and the techniques currently used in metadata and the material chosen by the user do not scale efficiently in large collections. The semantic Web provides a frame of reference that allows sharing and reusing knowledge efficiently. In our work, we present a focus for discovering information in digital repositories based on the application of expert system technologies, and we show a conceptual architecture for a semantic search engine. We used case-based reasoning methodology to create a prototype that supports efficient retrieval knowledge from digital repositories. OntoEnter is a collaborative effort that proposes a new form of interaction between users and digital enterprise repositories, where the latter are adapted to users and their surroundings

    Agente para recuperaci贸n autom谩tica de informaci贸n en diversos entornos basado en t茅cnicas de inteligencia computacional

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    Falta palabras clavesLa presente tesis se enmarca en la problem谩tica de la recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n, entendiendo por recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n la b煤squeda dentro de una colecci贸n de documentos diversos, de forma autom谩tica, de todos los documentos relacionados, con un cierto grado de relevancia, a partir de una consulta formulada por un usuario. En particular, expone un novedoso sistema, basado en l贸gica difusa, para la implementaci贸n de agentes inteligentes para resolver problemas reales de recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n en diversos entornos. Los m茅todos de recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n y de asignaci贸n de pesos desarrollados dan lugar a las publicaciones que se adjuntan en el compendio de esta tesis; y su aplicaci贸n propicia una entrada en la oficina de registro de la propiedad intelectual. En los trabajos de colaboraci贸n con empresa relacionados en el Cap铆tulo 5 se han implementado diversos prototipos de agentes inteligentes aplicando las t茅cnicas de inteligencia computacional que sustentan los m茅todos de recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n desarrollados, con la finalidad de crear agentes inteligentes para resoluci贸n de problemas reales en los que se necesita realizar una recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n. Los agentes inteligentes desarrollados utilizan el m茅todo de recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n, el m茅todo de asignaci贸n de pesos, y la estructura de almacenamiento de informaci贸n desarrollada en las publicaciones que forman el compendio de esta tesis. En dichas publicaciones se justifica el buen funcionamiento de estos m茅todos, as铆 como la mejora de rendimiento en la recuperaci贸n de informaci贸n contenida en portales web frente al modelo de espacio vectorial (Vector Space Model, VSM) y el m茅todo de asignaci贸n de pesos tf-idf