1 research outputs found

    From JSON to JSEN through Virtual Languages

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    In this paper we describe a data format suitable for storing and manipulating executable language statements that can be used for exchanging/storing programs, executing them concurrently and extending homoiconicity of the hosting language. We call it JSEN, JavaScript Executable Notation, which represents the counterpart of JSON, JavaScript Object Notation. JSON and JSEN complement each other. The former is a data format for storing and representing objects and data, while the latter has been created for exchanging/storing/executing and manipulating statements of programs. The two formats, JSON and JSEN, share some common properties, reviewed in this paper with a more extensive analysis on what the JSEN data format can provide. JSEN extends homoiconicity of the hosting language (in our case JavaScript), giving the possibility to manipulate programs in a finer grain manner than what is currently possible. This property makes definition of virtual languages (or DSL) simple and straightforward. Moreover, JSEN provides a base for implementing a type of concurrent multitasking for a single-threaded language like JavaScript