2 research outputs found

    Improving the Dynamic Characteristics of Body-in-White Structure Using Structural Optimization

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    The dynamic behavior of a body-in-white (BIW) structure has significant influence on the noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) and crashworthiness of a car. Therefore, by improving the dynamic characteristics of BIW, problems and failures associated with resonance and fatigue can be prevented. The design objectives attempt to improve the existing torsion and bending modes by using structural optimization subjected to dynamic load without compromising other factors such as mass and stiffness of the structure. The natural frequency of the design was modified by identifying and reinforcing the structure at critical locations. These crucial points are first identified by topology optimization using mass and natural frequencies as the design variables. The individual components obtained from the analysis go through a size optimization step to find their target thickness of the structure. The thickness of affected regions of the components will be modified according to the analysis. The results of both optimization steps suggest several design modifications to achieve the target vibration specifications without compromising the stiffness of the structure. A method of combining both optimization approaches is proposed to improve the design modification process

    Développement d'un modèle dynamique et quantification de l'influence du profil de la route sur un véhicule

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    Un modèle multicorps de camion semi-remorque à 331 degrés de liberté a été construit dans un logiciel à code source libre. Il a été étalonné et validé à l’aide d’une campagne expérimentale effectuée sur la route. Le signal d’un photodétecteur, 10 signaux d’accélération, la distribution du poids, les données météorologiques et le profil longitudinal de la route y ont été recueillis. Afin de bien représenter l’interaction avec la route, un modèle dynamique du pneu a été développé et il est précis jusqu’à 100 Hz. Ce dernier a été étalonné à l’aide de données obtenues à partir d’un modèle fiable d’analyse par éléments finis. Finalement, le modèle de camion a été utilisé dans une étude paramétrique qui a servi à obtenir des relations entre différents critères d’évaluation des profils et l’efficacité du transport. Ces différents critères sont l’IRI, le HRI et plusieurs autres indices inspirés de ceux-ci. L’efficacité est évaluée selon la consommation d’essence, l’usure du véhicule, la santé des occupants et la sécurité.A multibody model of a semi-trailer truck with 331 degrees of freedom was built using an open source software. It was calibrated and validated by an on road experimental campaign. There, the signal from a photodetector, 10 acceleration signals, the weight distribution, meteorological data, and the longitudinal profile have been collected. In order to properly represent the interaction with the road, a dynamic tire model has been developed and it is precise at up to 100 Hz. The latter was calibrated with data obtained from a trustworthy finite element model. Finally, the truck model was used in a parametric study which allowed to obtain the relationships between various road surface evaluation criteria and the efficiency of vehicles. These criteria are the IRI, the HRI, and many more inspired from those two. The efficiency is evaluated in terms of fuel consumption, vehicle wear, passenger health, and security