9 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional conceptual model for service-oriented simulation

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    In this letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional conceptual model for an emerging service-oriented simulation paradigm. The model can be used as a guideline or an analytic means to find the potential and possible future directions of the current simulation frameworks. In particular, the model inspects the crossover between the disciplines of modeling and simulation, service-orientation, and software/systems engineering. Finally, two specific simulation frameworks are studied as examples.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figures, 3 table, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2009, 10(8): 1075-108

    xDEVS: A toolkit for interoperable modeling and simulation of formal discrete event systems

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    Employing Modeling and Simulation (M&S) extensively to analyze and develop complex systems is the norm today. The use of robust M&S formalisms and rigorous methodologies is essential to deal with complexity. Among them, the Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) provides a solid framework for modeling structural, behavior and information aspects of any complex system. This gives several advantages to analyze and design complex systems: completeness, verifiability, extensibility, and maintainability. DEVS formalism has been implemented in many programming languages and executable on multiple platforms. In this paper, we describe the features of an M&S framework called xDEVS that builds upon the prevalent DEVS Application Programming Interface (API) for both modeling and simulation layers, promoting interoperability between the existing platform-specific (C++, Java, Python) DEVS implementations. Additionally, the framework can simulate the same model using sequential, parallel, or distributed architectures. The M&S engine has been reinforced with several strategies to improve performance, as well as tools to perform model analysis and verification. Finally, xDEVS also facilitates systems engineers to apply the vision of model-based systems engineering (MBSE), model-driven engineering (MDE), and model-driven systems engineering (MDSE) paradigms. We highlight the features of the proposed xDEVS framework with multiple examples and case studies illustrating the rigor and diversity of application domains it can support

    Simulation Software as a Service and Service-Oriented Simulation Experiment

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    Simulation software is being increasingly used in various domains for system analysis and/or behavior prediction. Traditionally, researchers and field experts need to have access to the computers that host the simulation software to do simulation experiments. With recent advances in cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS), a new paradigm is emerging where simulation software is used as services that are composed with others and dynamically influence each other for service-oriented simulation experiment on the Internet. The new service-oriented paradigm brings new research challenges in composing multiple simulation services in a meaningful and correct way for simulation experiments. To systematically support simulation software as a service (SimSaaS) and service-oriented simulation experiment, we propose a layered framework that includes five layers: an infrastructure layer, a simulation execution engine layer, a simulation service layer, a simulation experiment layer and finally a graphical user interface layer. Within this layered framework, we provide a specification for both simulation experiment and the involved individual simulation services. Such a formal specification is useful in order to support systematic compositions of simulation services as well as automatic deployment of composed services for carrying out simulation experiments. Built on this specification, we identify the issue of mismatch of time granularity and event granularity in composing simulation services at the pragmatic level, and develop four types of granularity handling agents to be associated with the couplings between services. The ultimate goal is to achieve standard and automated approaches for simulation service composition in the emerging service-oriented computing environment. Finally, to achieve more efficient service-oriented simulation, we develop a profile-based partitioning method that exploits a system’s dynamic behavior and uses it as a profile to guide the spatial partitioning for more efficient parallel simulation. We develop the work in this dissertation within the application context of wildfire spread simulation, and demonstrate the effectiveness of our work based on this application

    Implementation, integration, and optimization of a fuzzy foreground segmentation system

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    Foreground segmentation is often an important preliminary step for various video processing systems. By improving the accuracy of the foreground segmentation process, the overall performance of a video processing system has the potential for improvement. This work introduces a Fuzzy Foreground Segmentation System (FFSS) that uses Mamdani-type Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) to control pixel-level accumulated statistics. The error of the FFSS is quantified by comparing its output with hand-segmented ground-truth images from a set of image sequences that specifically model canonical problems of foreground segmentation. Optimization of the FFSS parameters is achieved using a Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA). Additionally, multiple central composite designed experiments used to analyze the performance of RCGA under selected schemes and their respective parameters. The RCGA schemes and parameters are chosen as to reduce variation and execution time for a set of known multi-dimensional test functions. The selected multi-dimensional test functions represent assorted function landscapes. To demonstrate accuracy of the FFSS and implicate the importance of the foreground segmentation process, the system is applied to real-time human detection from a single-camera security system. The Human Detection System (HDS) is composed of an IP Camera networked to multiple heterogeneous computers for distributed parallel processing. The implementation of the HDS, adheres to a System of Systems (SoS) architecture which standardizes data/communication, reduces overall complexity, and maintains a high level of interoperability

    Adding Executable Context to Executable Architectures: Enabling an Executable Context Simulation Framework (ECSF)

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    A system that does not stand alone is represented by a complex entity of component combinations that interact with each other to execute a function. In today\u27s interconnected world, systems integrate with other systems - called a system-of-systems infrastructure: a network of interrelated systems that can often exhibit both predictable and unpredictable behavior. The current state-of-the-art evaluation process of these system-of-systems and their community of practitioners in the academic community are limited to static methods focused on defining who is doing what and where. However, to answer the questions of why and how a system operates within complex systems-of-systems interrelationships, a system\u27s architecture and context must be observed over time, its executable architecture, to discern effective predictable and unpredictable behavior. The objective of this research is to determine a method for evaluating a system\u27s executable architecture and assess the contribution and efficiency of the specified system before it is built. This research led to the development of concrete steps that synthesize the observance of the executable architecture, assessment recommendations provided by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Code of Best Practice for Command and Control (C2) Assessment, and the metrics for operational efficiency provided by the Military Missions and Means Framework. Based on the research herein, this synthesis is designed to evaluate and assess system-of-systems architectures in their operational context to provide quantitative results

    Arquitectura de un sistema integrado para diseño dirigido por modelos en el contexto de internet de las cosas con aplicaciones en medicina

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 14-10-20222Over the past few years, we have seen how processing and storage architectures become cheaper and more efficient, communication infrastructures become faster and more scalable, and many new ways of interacting with the world around us are being developed. Every day more devices are connected to the network, and the generation of data worldwide is growing exponentially. In this context, the Internet of Things promises to be the new technological revolution, as was the introduction of the network of networks or universal mobile accessibility in tis day...A lo largo de los últimos años hemos visto cómo las arquitecturas de procesamiento y almacenamiento se vuelven más baratas y eficientes, las infraestructuras de comunicación se hacen más rápidas y escalables, y se desarrollan multitud de nuevas formas de interactuar con el mundo que nos rodea. Cada día más dispositivos se conectan a la red, y la generación de datos a nivel mundal está creciendo exponencialmente. En este contexto, el Internet de las cosas promete ser la nueva revolución tecnológica, como en su día lo fue la introducción de la red de redes o la accesibilidad móvil universal...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    A Cooperative Architecting Procedure for Systems of Systems Based on Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems

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    Depuis la seconde guerre mondiale, l’ingénierie des systèmes a permis le développement de méthodologies pour contrôler le développement de systèmes et de projets de plus en plus complexes. En 1990, la chute de l’URSS a provoqué un changement de doctrine militaire aux Etats-Unis en passant d’une confrontation bipolaire à une mondialisation des conflits comportant une grande variété de menaces. Sa nouvelle doctrine était de faire collaborer ses systèmes de défense existants pour produire un système de défense de haut niveau, décentralisé, adaptable et composé de systèmes indépendants. C’est l’apparition du concept de Système de Systèmes (SdS).Cette thèse de doctorat propose un nouveau modèle de SdS appelé SApHESIA (SoS ArchitectingHEuriStIc based on Agent), ainsi qu’une nouvelle méthodologie d’architecture. Cette nouvelle méthodologie est basée sur une coopération complète entre tous les composants du SdS, lui permettant d’évoluer de lui-même afin de faire face à des événements inattendus de son environnement tels que des menaces. Enfin, ce travail est testé à travers 4exemples issus de différents domaines (militaire, logistique et exploratoire).Since the World War II, researchers have tended to develop methodologies and tools tobuild and control the development of more and more complex systems and projects. Thisinter-disciplinary research area has been called Systems Engineering (SE) and continues tobe developed nowadays. In 1990, the fall of USSR led the US Department of Defense (DoD)to re-think its defense doctrine and to switch from a one opponent confrontation to a globalizationof conflicts with a huge variety of scenarios. Its idea was to re-use and join itsdefense systems by producing a huge, decentralized and adaptive defense system that iscomposed of existing and independents (complex) systems. This is the apparition of theSystem of Systems (SoS) concept. After 2000’s, this concept spreads in civil domains suchas crisis management or logistic systems. More precisely, a SoS is a complex system characterizedby the particular nature of its components: these latter, which are systems, tend tobe managerially and operationally independent as well as geographically distributed. Thisspecific characterization led to re-think research areas of classic SE such as definition, taxonomy,modeling, architecting and so on. SoS architecting focuses on the way independentcomponents of a SoS can be dynamically structured and can change autonomously theirinteractions in an efficient manner to fulfill the goal of the SoS and to cope with the highdynamics of the environment. This PhD thesis mainly focuses on two SoS research areas: 1)SoS modeling and 2) SoS architecting. To achieve the first point, we propose a new modelcalled SApHESIA (SoS Architecting HEuriStIc based on Agent). We have used set theoryand ABM (Agent-Based Model) paradigm to define this model that takes into account thecharacteristics of SoS. Secondly, we propose a new SoS architecting procedure based on theAdaptive Multi-Agent System (AMAS) approach that advocates full cooperation betweenall the components of the SoS through the concept of criticality. This criticality is a metricthat represents the distance between the current state of a component and its goals. In thisprocedure, the SoS architecture evolves over time to self-adapt to the dynamics of the environmentin which it is plunged, while taking into account the respective local goals of itscomponents. Finally we instantiate this model and this procedure through 4 examples fromdifferent domains (military, logistics and exploratory missions) and validate the feasibility,the efficiency, the effectiveness and the robustness of the SoS architecting procedure we havedeveloped and proposed

    A Cooperative Architecting Procedure for Systems of Systems Based on Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems

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    Depuis la seconde guerre mondiale, l’ingénierie des systèmes a permis le développement de méthodologies pour contrôler le développement de systèmes et de projets de plus en plus complexes. En 1990, la chute de l’URSS a provoqué un changement de doctrine militaire aux Etats-Unis en passant d’une confrontation bipolaire à une mondialisation des conflits comportant une grande variété de menaces. Sa nouvelle doctrine était de faire collaborer ses systèmes de défense existants pour produire un système de défense de haut niveau, décentralisé, adaptable et composé de systèmes indépendants. C’est l’apparition du concept de Système de Systèmes (SdS).Cette thèse de doctorat propose un nouveau modèle de SdS appelé SApHESIA (SoS ArchitectingHEuriStIc based on Agent), ainsi qu’une nouvelle méthodologie d’architecture. Cette nouvelle méthodologie est basée sur une coopération complète entre tous les composants du SdS, lui permettant d’évoluer de lui-même afin de faire face à des événements inattendus de son environnement tels que des menaces. Enfin, ce travail est testé à travers 4exemples issus de différents domaines (militaire, logistique et exploratoire).Since the World War II, researchers have tended to develop methodologies and tools tobuild and control the development of more and more complex systems and projects. Thisinter-disciplinary research area has been called Systems Engineering (SE) and continues tobe developed nowadays. In 1990, the fall of USSR led the US Department of Defense (DoD)to re-think its defense doctrine and to switch from a one opponent confrontation to a globalizationof conflicts with a huge variety of scenarios. Its idea was to re-use and join itsdefense systems by producing a huge, decentralized and adaptive defense system that iscomposed of existing and independents (complex) systems. This is the apparition of theSystem of Systems (SoS) concept. After 2000’s, this concept spreads in civil domains suchas crisis management or logistic systems. More precisely, a SoS is a complex system characterizedby the particular nature of its components: these latter, which are systems, tend tobe managerially and operationally independent as well as geographically distributed. Thisspecific characterization led to re-think research areas of classic SE such as definition, taxonomy,modeling, architecting and so on. SoS architecting focuses on the way independentcomponents of a SoS can be dynamically structured and can change autonomously theirinteractions in an efficient manner to fulfill the goal of the SoS and to cope with the highdynamics of the environment. This PhD thesis mainly focuses on two SoS research areas: 1)SoS modeling and 2) SoS architecting. To achieve the first point, we propose a new modelcalled SApHESIA (SoS Architecting HEuriStIc based on Agent). We have used set theoryand ABM (Agent-Based Model) paradigm to define this model that takes into account thecharacteristics of SoS. Secondly, we propose a new SoS architecting procedure based on theAdaptive Multi-Agent System (AMAS) approach that advocates full cooperation betweenall the components of the SoS through the concept of criticality. This criticality is a metricthat represents the distance between the current state of a component and its goals. In thisprocedure, the SoS architecture evolves over time to self-adapt to the dynamics of the environmentin which it is plunged, while taking into account the respective local goals of itscomponents. Finally we instantiate this model and this procedure through 4 examples fromdifferent domains (military, logistics and exploratory missions) and validate the feasibility,the efficiency, the effectiveness and the robustness of the SoS architecting procedure we havedeveloped and proposed