4 research outputs found

    Learning Companions motivierend gestalten

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    In einer zunehmend digitalen und sich rasant verändernden Arbeitswelt, wird lebenslanges Lernen immer wichtiger für den beruflichen Erfolg (OECD, 2021). Technologische Entwicklungen und der Trend zum digitalen Lernen und Arbeiten, schaffen neue Möglichkeiten für die berufsbegleitende Weiterbildung.... Learning Companions (LCs), also digitale, natürlich-sprachige Agenten (Chatbots oder sprachbasierte Assistenten), die eine freundschaftsähnliche Beziehung zu ihrem menschlichen Nutzer aufbauen, stellen einen innovativen Lösungsansatz dar, um Menschen vielfältig, individualisiert sowie zeit- und ortsunabhängig beim Lernen zu unterstützen (Khosrawi-Rad et al., 2022). Da eine hohe Motivation einen positiven Effekt auf den Lernerfolg und dessen Nachhaltigkeit hat (Hawlitschek & Merkt, 2018), jedoch gleichzeitig, insbesondere im digitalen Raum ein großes Problemfeld darstellt (Limarutti et al., 2021), forcieren wir den Einsatz eines LCs in seiner Rolle als Motivator. [Aus Einleitung

    Game Studies at Scale: Towards Facilitating Exploration of Game Corpora

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    Critically playing a game, and performing a close reading of a specific aspect of a game, are valid game analysis techniques. But these types of analyses don’t scale to the plethora of games available, and also neglect implementation aspects of the games which themselves are texts that can be analyzed. We argue that appropriate software tools can support research in game studies, allowing individual games to be read at the level of gameplay as well as the implementation level. Moreover, these tools permit analysis to scale in a similar fashion as distant reading allows for traditional texts, and be applied to an entire corpus of games. We illustrate these ideas using a corpus of games created using the Graphic Adventure Creator, a program first released in 1985 for a number of computing platforms. As a proof of concept, we have built a system called GrACIAS – the Graphic Adventure Creator Internal Analysis System – that we have used for both static and dynamic analysis of this corpus of games, effectively allowing them to be internally explored and “read.” Furthermore, our system is able to look for game solutions automatically and has solved over 60 game images to date, making the games accessible to researchers, but also people who may not be expert players or even able to understand the language the game uses

    Games para o ensino de metodologia científica: revisão de literatura e boas práticas

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    "Este artigo avalia jogos digitais produzidos para o ensino da metodologia da pesquisa científica. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura que envolveu também jogar e analisar os games, quando disponíveis. Seu objetivo é propor boas práticas para o desenvolvimento de jogos digitais que sirvam de apoio ao ensino da disciplina Metodologia Científica. A revisão de literatura excluiu da análise propostas de gamificação e utilização de games de entretenimento. Incluiu nos resultados apenas jogos digitais desenvolvidos especificamente para o ensino de metodologia da pesquisa. A busca no Google Acadêmico e outras bases identificou diversos jogos vinculados a atividades em bibliotecas e desenvolvimento de habilidades em literacia informacional, um game para visualização de dados e projetos mais amplos, como Gaming Against Plagiarism, Operation ARA e Chermug Games, que se propõem a desenvolver nos alunos diversas habilidades de pesquisa e de pensamento científico. Esses jogos foram analisados a partir de critérios de design de games como narrativa, arte, mecânica e som. A partir dessa análise, a discussão propõe um modelo de boas práticas para games elaborados com o intuito de apoiar o ensino da metodologia científica. A conclusão sugere que uma revisão mais sistemática de literatura seja repetida, incluindo a proposta de um modelo para a análise dos games. Palavras-chave: Biblioteca, ensino, jogos de computador, método de investigação, metodologia. Videogames for the teaching research: literature review and good practices Abstract: This article analyzes videogames for the teaching of methodology of scientific research. It is a literature review that also involved playing and evaluating the games, when available. Its objective is to define good practices for the development of digital games for the support of the teaching of the discipline Research Methodology. The literature review excluded from the analysis proposals for gamification and use of games already produced, educational or entertainment, including in the results only digital games developed specifically for the teaching of research methodology. The review identified several games linked to library activities and information literacy, a game for data visualization, as well as larger projects such as Gaming Against Plagiarism, Operation ARA and Chermug Games, which are proposed to develop various students’ research and scientific thinking skills. These games were analyzed from various game design criteria, such as: narrative, art, mechanics, and audio. The discussion proposes a model of good practices for games designed with the purpose of supporting the teaching of scientific methodology. The conclusion suggests that a more systematic review of the literature is replicated, including the proposal of a model for the analysis of the games. Keywords: Computer games, library, methodology, research method, teaching.