73 research outputs found

    Coloring vertices of a graph or finding a Meyniel obstruction

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    A Meyniel obstruction is an odd cycle with at least five vertices and at most one chord. A graph is Meyniel if and only if it has no Meyniel obstruction as an induced subgraph. Here we give a O(n^2) algorithm that, for any graph, finds either a clique and coloring of the same size or a Meyniel obstruction. We also give a O(n^3) algorithm that, for any graph, finds either aneasily recognizable strong stable set or a Meyniel obstruction

    Trading inference effort versus size in CNF Knowledge Compilation

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    Knowledge Compilation (KC) studies compilation of boolean functions f into some formalism F, which allows to answer all queries of a certain kind in polynomial time. Due to its relevance for SAT solving, we concentrate on the query type "clausal entailment" (CE), i.e., whether a clause C follows from f or not, and we consider subclasses of CNF, i.e., clause-sets F with special properties. In this report we do not allow auxiliary variables (except of the Outlook), and thus F needs to be equivalent to f. We consider the hierarchies UC_k <= WC_k, which were introduced by the authors in 2012. Each level allows CE queries. The first two levels are well-known classes for KC. Namely UC_0 = WC_0 is the same as PI as studied in KC, that is, f is represented by the set of all prime implicates, while UC_1 = WC_1 is the same as UC, the class of unit-refutation complete clause-sets introduced by del Val 1994. We show that for each k there are (sequences of) boolean functions with polysize representations in UC_{k+1}, but with an exponential lower bound on representations in WC_k. Such a separation was previously only know for k=0. We also consider PC < UC, the class of propagation-complete clause-sets. We show that there are (sequences of) boolean functions with polysize representations in UC, while there is an exponential lower bound for representations in PC. These separations are steps towards a general conjecture determining the representation power of the hierarchies PC_k < UC_k <= WC_k. The strong form of this conjecture also allows auxiliary variables, as discussed in depth in the Outlook.Comment: 43 pages, second version with literature updates. Proceeds with the separation results from the discontinued arXiv:1302.442

    Parameterized Uniform Complexity in Numerics: from Smooth to Analytic, from NP-hard to Polytime

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    The synthesis of classical Computational Complexity Theory with Recursive Analysis provides a quantitative foundation to reliable numerics. Here the operators of maximization, integration, and solving ordinary differential equations are known to map (even high-order differentiable) polynomial-time computable functions to instances which are `hard' for classical complexity classes NP, #P, and CH; but, restricted to analytic functions, map polynomial-time computable ones to polynomial-time computable ones -- non-uniformly! We investigate the uniform parameterized complexity of the above operators in the setting of Weihrauch's TTE and its second-order extension due to Kawamura&Cook (2010). That is, we explore which (both continuous and discrete, first and second order) information and parameters on some given f is sufficient to obtain similar data on Max(f) and int(f); and within what running time, in terms of these parameters and the guaranteed output precision 2^(-n). It turns out that Gevrey's hierarchy of functions climbing from analytic to smooth corresponds to the computational complexity of maximization growing from polytime to NP-hard. Proof techniques involve mainly the Theory of (discrete) Computation, Hard Analysis, and Information-Based Complexity

    Theories for TC0 and Other Small Complexity Classes

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    We present a general method for introducing finitely axiomatizable "minimal" two-sorted theories for various subclasses of P (problems solvable in polynomial time). The two sorts are natural numbers and finite sets of natural numbers. The latter are essentially the finite binary strings, which provide a natural domain for defining the functions and sets in small complexity classes. We concentrate on the complexity class TC^0, whose problems are defined by uniform polynomial-size families of bounded-depth Boolean circuits with majority gates. We present an elegant theory VTC^0 in which the provably-total functions are those associated with TC^0, and then prove that VTC^0 is "isomorphic" to a different-looking single-sorted theory introduced by Johannsen and Pollet. The most technical part of the isomorphism proof is defining binary number multiplication in terms a bit-counting function, and showing how to formalize the proofs of its algebraic properties.Comment: 40 pages, Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    On finding another room-partitioning of the vertices

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    Let T be a triangulated surface given by the list of vertex-triples of its triangles, called rooms. A room-partitioning of T is a subset R of the rooms such that each vertex of T is in exactly one room in R. We prove that if T has a room-partitioning R, then there is another room-partitioning of T which is different from R. The proof is a simple algorithm which walks from room to room, which however we show to be exponential by constructing a sequence of (planar) instances, where the algorithm walks from room to room an exponential number of times relative to the number of rooms in the instance. We unify the above theorem with Nash’s theorem stating that a 2-person game has an equilibrium, by proving a combinatorially simple common generalization
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