55,033 research outputs found

    Positive solutions to indefinite Neumann problems when the weight has positive average

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    We deal with positive solutions for the Neumann boundary value problem associated with the scalar second order ODE u"+q(t)g(u)=0,t∈[0,T], u" + q(t)g(u) = 0, \quad t \in [0, T], where g:[0,+∞[ →Rg: [0, +\infty[\, \to \mathbb{R} is positive on  ]0,+∞[ \,]0, +\infty[\, and q(t)q(t) is an indefinite weight. Complementary to previous investigations in the case ∫0Tq(t)<0\int_0^T q(t) < 0, we provide existence results for a suitable class of weights having (small) positive mean, when g′(x)<0g'(x) < 0 at infinity. Our proof relies on a shooting argument for a suitable equivalent planar system of the type x′=y,y′=h(x)y2+q(t), x' = y, \qquad y' = h(x)y^2 + q(t), with h(x)h(x) a continuous function defined on the whole real line.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Multibump solutions of a class of second-order discrete Hamiltonian systems

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    For a class of second-order discrete Hamiltonian systems Δ2x(t−1)−L(t)x(t)+Vx′(t,x(t))=0\Delta^2x(t-1)-L(t)x(t)+V'_x(t,x(t))=0, we investigate the existence of homoclinic orbits by applying variational method, where LL and V(⋅,x)V(\cdot,x) are periodic functions. Further, we show that there exist either uncountable many homoclinic orbits or multibump solutions under certain conditions

    Multiple positive solutions to elliptic boundary blow-up problems

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    We prove the existence of multiple positive radial solutions to the sign-indefinite elliptic boundary blow-up problem {Δu+(a+(∣x∣)−μa−(∣x∣))g(u)=0,  ∣x∣<1,u(x)→∞,  ∣x∣→1, \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \Delta u + \bigl(a^+(\vert x \vert) - \mu a^-(\vert x \vert)\bigr) g(u) = 0, & \; \vert x \vert < 1, \\ u(x) \to \infty, & \; \vert x \vert \to 1, \end{array} \right. where gg is a function superlinear at zero and at infinity, a+a^+ and a−a^- are the positive/negative part, respectively, of a sign-changing function aa and μ>0\mu > 0 is a large parameter. In particular, we show how the number of solutions is affected by the nodal behavior of the weight function aa. The proof is based on a careful shooting-type argument for the equivalent singular ODE problem. As a further application of this technique, the existence of multiple positive radial homoclinic solutions to Δu+(a+(∣x∣)−μa−(∣x∣))g(u)=0,x∈RN, \Delta u + \bigl(a^+(\vert x \vert) - \mu a^-(\vert x \vert)\bigr) g(u) = 0, \qquad x \in \mathbb{R}^N, is also considered

    Quantum Horizons of the Standard Model Landscape

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    The long-distance effective field theory of our Universe--the Standard Model coupled to gravity--has a unique 4D vacuum, but we show that it also has a landscape of lower-dimensional vacua, with the potential for moduli arising from vacuum and Casimir energies. For minimal Majorana neutrino masses, we find a near-continuous infinity of AdS3xS1 vacua, with circumference ~20 microns and AdS3 length 4x10^25 m. By AdS/CFT, there is a CFT2 of central charge c~10^90 which contains the Standard Model (and beyond) coupled to quantum gravity in this vacuum. Physics in these vacua is the same as in ours for energies between 10^-1 eV and 10^48 GeV, so this CFT2 also describes all the physics of our vacuum in this energy range. We show that it is possible to realize quantum-stabilized AdS vacua as near-horizon regions of new kinds of quantum extremal black objects in the higher-dimensional space--near critical black strings in 4D, near-critical black holes in 3D. The violation of the null-energy condition by the Casimir energy is crucial for these horizons to exist, as has already been realized for analogous non-extremal 3D black holes by Emparan, Fabbri and Kaloper. The new extremal 3D black holes are particularly interesting--they are (meta)stable with an entropy independent of hbar and G_N, so a microscopic counting of the entropy may be possible in the G_N->0 limit. Our results suggest that it should be possible to realize the larger landscape of AdS vacua in string theory as near-horizon geometries of new extremal black brane solutions.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figure
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