1 research outputs found

    Existence of minimizers for nonconvex, noncoercive simple integrals.

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    We consider the problem of minimizing autonomous, simple integrals such as \min\,\left\{ \int_0^T f\left(x(t)\,,x^\prime(t)\right)\,dt\colon\,\, \text{x∈AC([0 ,T])x\in AC{([0\,,T])}, x(0)=x0x(0)=x_0, x(T)=xTx(T)=x_T} \right\}, \tag{P\cal{P}} where f:R×R→[0,∞]f:{\mathbb R}\times{\mathbb R} \to [0,\infty] is a possibly nonconvex function with either superlinear or slow growth at infinity. Assuming that the relaxed problem (P∗∗\cal{P}^{\ast\ast})---obtained from (P\cal{P}) by replacing f with its convex envelope f** with respect to the derivative variable x′x^\prime---admits a solution, we prove attainment for (P\cal{P}) under mild regularity and growth assumptions on f and f**. We discuss various instances of growth conditions on f that yield solutions to the corresponding relaxed problem (P∗∗\cal{P}^{\ast\ast}), and we present examples that show that the hypotheses on f and f** considered here for attainment are essentially sharp