2,475 research outputs found

    Nonlinear parabolic problems in Musielak--Orlicz spaces

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    Our studies are directed to the existence of weak solutions to a parabolic problem containing a multi-valued term. The problem is formulated in the language of maximal monotone graphs. We assume that the growth and coercivity conditions of a nonlinear term are prescribed by means of time and space dependent NN--function. This results in formulation of the problem in generalized Musielak-Orlicz spaces. We are using density arguments, hence an important step of the proof is a uniform boundedness of appropriate convolution operators in Musielak-Orlicz spaces. For this purpose we shall need to assume a kind of logarithmic H\"older regularity with respect to tt and xx.Comment: 33 page

    A doubly nonlinear evolution problem related to a model for microwave heating

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    This paper is concerned with the existence and uniqueness of the solution to a doubly nonlinear parabolic problem which arises directly from a circuit model of microwave heating. Beyond the relevance from a physical point of view, the problem is very interesting also in a mathematical approach: in fact, it consists of a nonlinear partial differential equation with a further nonlinearity in the boundary condition. Actually, we are going to prove a general result: the two nonlinearities are allowed to be maximal monotone operators and then an existence result will be shown for the resulting problem.Comment: Key words and phrases: nonlinear parabolic equation, nonlinear boundary condition, existence of solution

    On a coupled bulk-surface Allen-Cahn system with an affine linear transmission condition and its approximation by a Robin boundary condition

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    We study a coupled bulk-surface Allen-Cahn system with an affine linear transmission condition, that is, the trace values of the bulk variable and the values of the surface variable are connected via an affine relation, and this serves to generalize the usual dynamic boundary conditions. We tackle the problem of well-posedness via a penalization method using Robin boundary conditions. In particular, for the relaxation problem, the strong well-posedness and long-time behavior of solutions can be shown for more general and possibly nonlinear relations. New difficulties arise since the surface variable is no longer the trace of the bulk variable, and uniform estimates in the relaxation parameter are scarce. Nevertheless, weak convergence to the original problem can be shown. Using the approach of Colli and Fukao (Math. Models Appl. Sci. 2015), we show strong existence to the original problem with affine linear relations, and derive an error estimate between solutions to the relaxed and original problems.Comment: 34 page