99,152 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the interactive multimedia business simulation SPACE (Simulating Project Auditing and Controlling Excellence)

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    This report presents the evaluation of the computer-based simulation SPACE – Simulating Project Auditing & Controlling Excellence – which is an interactive multiedia business simulation developed in partnership by Andersen Consulting and Siemens AG. The aims of SPACE are fostering self-directed learning and the acquisition of applicable knowledge in the economic domain regarding construction and solution projects of US GAAP. The evaluation was conducted in cooperation with the Institute of Educational Psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. The aim of the evaluation was to compare the effectiveness of SPACE with a traditional classroom instruction. Therefore, a problem-based transfer task was designed which assessed learning gains with respect to applicable knowledge in the following areas: (1) strategic knowledge and problem-solving skills, that means selection of appropriate information and strategies to solve a realistic business problem, (2) basic skills to calculate POC and (3) conceptual knowledge, i.e. an understanding of principles and interconnections of concepts in the domain. 38 students of business administration participated in the evaluation. 19 students learned eight hours with SPACE, the other 19 students received a traditional classroom instruction lasting also eight hours in the same subject area of US GAAP. Results show that SPACE was significantly better with regard to strategic knowledge and applying problem solving skills. In other words, the study showed that SPACE is superior to classroom instruction in this area of knowledge acquisition and application. In the other areas of basic skills to calculate POC and conceptional knowledge, differences were not significant between the classroom instruction and SPACE. When SPACE is employed under realistic conditions, i.e. in business, it can be assumed that SPACE is even more superior to classroom instruction.Das computerbasierte Lernprogramm SPACE (Simulating Project Auditing & Controlling Excellence), eine interaktive, multimediale Simulationssoftware, wurde von Anderson Consulting und der Siemens AG entwickelt. SPACE zielt auf die Förderung selbstgesteuerten Lernens und die Vermittlung anwendbaren Wissens. Das Simulationsprogramm behandelt inhaltlich die Kalkulation von Projektdaten auf Basis von US GAAP. Die hier berichtete Evaluationsstudie hatte zum Ziel, die Effektivität von SPACE im Vergleich zu einem traditionellen Klassenzimmerunterricht festzustellen. Mit einer problemorientierten Transferaufgabe wurden folgende Dimensionen erfasst: (1) Strategisches Wissen und Problemlösefertigkeiten (hierbei ging es um die Selektion relevanter Informationen und Strategien in Bezug auf eine realistische Problemstellung), (2) Basisfertigkeiten zur Berechnung von POC und (3) konzeptionelles Wissen im Sinne eines Verständnisses von Prinzipien und Zusammenhängen innerhalb des behandelten Inhaltsgebietes. An der Studie nahmen 38 Studenten der Betriebswirtschaftslehre teil. 19 Studenten lernten in einem Zeitraum von acht Stunden mit SPACE, die anderen 19 Teilnehmer nahmen an einem achtstündigen Klassenzimmerunterricht zum selben Inhaltsbereich teil. Hinsichtlich der Dimension "Strategiewissen und Problemlösefertigkeiten" schnitten diejenigen Studenten signifikant besser ab, die mit SPACE lernten. Das Simulationsprogramm zeigte sich somit in Bezug auf diese Dimension der Wissensanwendung dem traditionellen Klassenzimmerunterricht überlegen. In den Dimensionen "Berechnung von POC" und "Konzeptionelles Wissen" ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Untersuchungsgruppen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass SPACE dem traditionellem Unterricht deutlicher überlegen ist, wenn das Lernprogramm unter realistischeren Bedingungen, d.h. in Betrieben, eingesetzt wird

    Promoting academic excellence amongst the engineering students

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    This paper describes activities carried out by the College of Engineering at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) in order to promote academic excellence amongst the engineering students and to enhance their academic standings. The issues affecting the academic performance are briefly discussed. The activities involve all students majoring in Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering at UNITEN. The discussions highlight some examples of the orientation and motivation programs, student support system, engineering related enrichment activities and outcome-based education. The objective of this paper is to share the experiences gained when conducting these activities and how they benefit the students

    Are Condorcet and minimax voting systems the best?

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    For decades, the minimax voting system was well known to experts on voting systems, but was not widely considered to be one of the best systems. But in recent years, two important experts, Nicolaus Tideman and Andrew Myers, have both recognized minimax as one of the best systems. I agree with that. This paper presents my own reasons for preferring minimax. The paper explicitly discusses about 20 systems, though over 50 are known to exist.Comment: 41 pages, no figures. The Introduction has been changed. Also fixed some version 6 errors in referencing subsection numbers in section

    A Primer on Spreadsheet Analytics

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    This paper provides guidance to an analyst who wants to extract insight from a spreadsheet model. It discusses the terminology of spreadsheet analytics, how to prepare a spreadsheet model for analysis, and a hierarchy of analytical techniques. These techniques include sensitivity analysis, tornado charts,and backsolving (or goal-seeking). This paper presents native-Excel approaches for automating these techniques, and discusses add-ins that are even more efficient. Spreadsheet optimization and spreadsheet Monte Carlo simulation are briefly discussed. The paper concludes by calling for empirical research, and describing desired features spreadsheet sensitivity analysis and spreadsheet optimization add-ins.Comment: 12 Pages, 8 Colour Figure

    Maintaining an ethical balance in the curriculum design of games-based degrees.

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    In February 2011, games-based degrees were subjected to the scrutiny of the Livingstone- Hope report into the future of education in the fields of video games and visual effects. The report delivers a damning appraisal of the education system’s ability to fulfil skills shortages in these creative industries, and makes a range of proposals for changing education in both schools and universities to meet the needs of these sectors. This paper discusses the findings of this report from the perspective of higher education, with particular emphasis on the complex ethical considerations of designing a curriculum for games-based degrees. The argument for taking a broader perspective on this issue is illustrated through discussion of Games Software Development degrees at Sheffield Hallam University
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