2,220 research outputs found

    Knowledge-aware Complementary Product Representation Learning

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    Learning product representations that reflect complementary relationship plays a central role in e-commerce recommender system. In the absence of the product relationships graph, which existing methods rely on, there is a need to detect the complementary relationships directly from noisy and sparse customer purchase activities. Furthermore, unlike simple relationships such as similarity, complementariness is asymmetric and non-transitive. Standard usage of representation learning emphasizes on only one set of embedding, which is problematic for modelling such properties of complementariness. We propose using knowledge-aware learning with dual product embedding to solve the above challenges. We encode contextual knowledge into product representation by multi-task learning, to alleviate the sparsity issue. By explicitly modelling with user bias terms, we separate the noise of customer-specific preferences from the complementariness. Furthermore, we adopt the dual embedding framework to capture the intrinsic properties of complementariness and provide geometric interpretation motivated by the classic separating hyperplane theory. Finally, we propose a Bayesian network structure that unifies all the components, which also concludes several popular models as special cases. The proposed method compares favourably to state-of-art methods, in downstream classification and recommendation tasks. We also develop an implementation that scales efficiently to a dataset with millions of items and customers


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    This dissertation examines cross-category effects in consumer purchases from the big data and analytics perspectives. It uses data from Nielsen Consumer Panel and Scanner databases for its investigations. With big data analytics it becomes possible to examine the cross effects of many product categories on each other. The number of categories whose cross effects are studied is called category scale or just scale in this dissertation. The larger the category scale the higher the number of categories whose cross effects are studied. This dissertation extends research on models of cross effects by (1) examining the performance of MVP model across category scale; (2) customizing artificial neural network (ANN) techniques for large-scale cross effect analysis; (3) examining the performance of ANN across scale; and (4) developing a conceptual model of spending habits as a source of cross effect heterogeneity. The results provide researchers and managers new knowledge about using the two techniques in large category scale settings The computational capabilities required by MVP models grow exponentially with scale and thus are more significantly limited by computational capabilities than are ANN models. In our experiments, for scales 4, 8, 16 and 32, using Nielsen data, MVP models could not be estimated using baskets with 16 and more categories. We attempted to and could calibrate ANN models, on the other hand, for both scales 16 and 32. Surprisingly, the predictive results of ANN models exhibit an inverted U relationship with scale. As an ancillary result we provide a method for determining the existence and extent of non-linear own and cross category effects on likelihood of purchase of a category using ANN models. Besides our empirical studies, we draw on the mental budgeting model and impulsive spending literature, to provide a conceptualization of consumer spending habits as a source of heterogeneity in cross effect context. Finally, after a discussion of conclusions and limitations, the dissertation concludes with a discussion of open questions for future research

    Latent Space Model for Multi-Modal Social Data

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    With the emergence of social networking services, researchers enjoy the increasing availability of large-scale heterogenous datasets capturing online user interactions and behaviors. Traditional analysis of techno-social systems data has focused mainly on describing either the dynamics of social interactions, or the attributes and behaviors of the users. However, overwhelming empirical evidence suggests that the two dimensions affect one another, and therefore they should be jointly modeled and analyzed in a multi-modal framework. The benefits of such an approach include the ability to build better predictive models, leveraging social network information as well as user behavioral signals. To this purpose, here we propose the Constrained Latent Space Model (CLSM), a generalized framework that combines Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodels (MMSB) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) incorporating a constraint that forces the latent space to concurrently describe the multiple data modalities. We derive an efficient inference algorithm based on Variational Expectation Maximization that has a computational cost linear in the size of the network, thus making it feasible to analyze massive social datasets. We validate the proposed framework on two problems: prediction of social interactions from user attributes and behaviors, and behavior prediction exploiting network information. We perform experiments with a variety of multi-modal social systems, spanning location-based social networks (Gowalla), social media services (Instagram, Orkut), e-commerce and review sites (Amazon, Ciao), and finally citation networks (Cora). The results indicate significant improvement in prediction accuracy over state of the art methods, and demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed approach for addressing a variety of different learning problems commonly occurring with multi-modal social data.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Modeling Cross Category Purchase Decision Making with Consumers’ Mental Budgeting Control Habit

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    Cross-category decision making is an ongoing research in decision science. Cross-category modeling is a powerful tool for big data and business analytics. Cross-category decision making involves evaluating multiple categories for complementary/substitutional utilities. This paper examines consumers’ mental budgeting control habit for its impact on cross purchase decisions. This factor has not been examined in existing cross modeling literature. This paper fits a base cross category model and a budgeting control habit cross model using a consumer grocery shopping dataset. The results show that by incorporating this variable in the cross model, model fit score and prediction accuracy are significantly improved. The budgeting control habit factor has significant moderating effects on price effects and cross price effects. In addition to providing the modeling technique, this paper also finds that consumers classify basket items into root and add-on categories. The common sense that price drop boosts sales is only true for the root category items. Price drop of add-on items may trigger consumers reconfiguring their basket items but not necessarily increase sales of the add-on items themselves

    Deep Learning for Online Fashion: A Novel Solution for the Retail E-Commerce Industry

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    The online shopping experience for clothing can be further enhanced by implementing Deep Learning techniques, such as Computer Vision and personalized recommendation systems. Automation, as a principle, can be applied to solving problems surrounding efficacy, efficiency, and security. It also provides a layer of abstraction for the user during the online shopping experience. This research aims to apply Deep Learning methods and principles of automation to augment the e-commerce fashion market in a novel way. After using these methods, it was found that Convolutional Autoencoders and Item-to-Item Based Recommenders may be used to accurately and precisely recommend articles of clothing based on a users’ styling preferences

    NEURAL networks and consumer behavior: NEURAL models, logistic regression, and the behavioral perspective model

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    This paper investigates the ability of connectionist models to explain consumer behavior, focusing on the feedforward neural network model, and explores the possibility of expanding the theoretical framework of the Behavioral Perspective Model to incorporate connectionist constructs. Numerous neural network models of varying complexity are developed to predict consumer loyalty as a crucial aspect of consumer behavior. Their performance is compared with the more traditional logistic regression model and it is found that neural networks offer consistent advantage over logistic regression in the prediction of consumer loyalty. Independently determined Utilitarian and Informational Reinforcement variables are shown tomake a noticeable contribution to the explanation of consumer choice. The potential of connectionist models for predicting and explaining consumer behavior is discussed and routes for future research are suggested to investigate the predictive and explanatory capacity of connectionist models, such as neural network models, and for the integration of these into consumer behavior analysis within the theoretical framework of the Behavioral Perspective Mode
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