4 research outputs found

    Variable Neighborhood Search Approach for Solving Roman and Weak Roman Domination Problems on Graphs

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    In this paper Roman and weak Roman domination problems on graphs are considered. Given that both problems are NP hard, a new heuristic approach, based on a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), is presented. The presented algorithm is tested on instances known from the literature, with up to 600 vertices. The VNS approach is justified since it was able to achieve an optimal solution value on the majority of instances where the optimal solution value is known. Also, for the majority of instances where optimization solvers found a solution value but were unable to prove it to be optimal, the VNS algorithm achieves an even better solution value

    Perfect Roman Domination and Unique Response Roman Domination

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    The idea of enumeration algorithms with polynomial delay is to polynomially bound the running time between any two subsequent solutions output by the enumeration algorithm. While it is open for more than four decades if all minimal dominating sets of a graph can be enumerated in output-polynomial time, it has recently been proven that pointwise-minimal Roman dominating functions can be enumerated even with polynomial delay. The idea of the enumeration algorithm was to use polynomial-time solvable extension problems. We use this as a motivation to prove that also two variants of Roman dominating functions studied in the literature, named perfect and unique response, can be enumerated with polynomial delay. This is interesting since Extension Perfect Roman Domination is W[1]-complete if parameterized by the weight of the given function and even W[2]-complete if parameterized by the number vertices assigned 0 in the pre-solution, as we prove. Otherwise, efficient solvability of extension problems and enumerability with polynomial delay tend to go hand-in-hand. We achieve our enumeration result by constructing a bijection to Roman dominating functions, where the corresponding extension problem is polynomimaltime solvable. Furthermore, we show that Unique Response Roman Domination is solvable in polynomial time on split graphs, while Perfect Roman Domination is NP-complete on this graph class, which proves that both variations, albeit coming with a very similar definition, do differ in some complexity aspects. This way, we also solve an open problem from the literature

    Exact Algorithms for Weak Roman Domination

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    International audienceWe consider the Weak Roman Domination problem. Given an undirected graph G = (V,E), the aim is to find a weak roman domination function (wrd-function for short) of minimum cost, i.e. a function f: V → {0,1,2} such that every vertex v ∈ V is defended (i.e. there exists a neighbor u of v, possibly u = v, such that f(u)≥1) and for every vertex v ∈ V with f(v) = 0 there exists a neighbor u of v such that f(u)≥1 and the function fu → v defined by:fu→v(x)={1 if x=v,f(u)-1 if x=u,f(x) if x∉{u,v}} does not contain any undefended vertex. The cost of a wrd-function f is defined by cost(f) = ∑  v ∈ V f(v). The trivial enumeration algorithm runs in time O∗(3n) and polynomial space and is the best one known for the problem so far. We are breaking the trivial enumeration barrier by providing two faster algorithms: we first prove that the problem can be solved in O∗(2n) time needing exponential space, and then describe an O∗(2.2279n) algorithm using polynomial space. Our results rely on structural properties of a wrd-function, as well as on the best polynomial space algorithm for the Red-Blue Dominating Set problem