4 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Approach to Forced Oscillation Source Location Given Uncertain Generator Parameters

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    Since forced oscillations are exogenous to dynamic power system models, the models by themselves cannot predict when or where a forced oscillation will occur. Locating the sources of these oscillations, therefore, is a challenging problem which requires analytical methods capable of using real time power system data to trace an observed oscillation back to its source. The difficulty of this problem is exacerbated by the fact that the parameters associated with a given power system model can range from slightly uncertain to entirely unknown. In this paper, a Bayesian framework, via a two-stage Maximum A Posteriori optimization routine, is employed in order to locate the most probable source of a forced oscillation given an uncertain prior model. The approach leverages an equivalent circuit representation of the system in the frequency domain and employs a numerical procedure which makes the problem suitable for real time application. The derived framework lends itself to successful performance in the presence of PMU measurement noise, high generator parameter uncertainty, and multiple forced oscillations occurring simultaneously. The approach is tested on a 4-bus system with a single forced oscillation source and on the WECC 179-bus system with multiple oscillation sources.Comment: 9 pages; submitted to IEEE Transactions on Power System

    Learning Feature Sparse Principal Components

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    This paper presents new algorithms to solve the feature-sparsity constrained PCA problem (FSPCA), which performs feature selection and PCA simultaneously. Existing optimization methods for FSPCA require data distribution assumptions and are lack of global convergence guarantee. Though the general FSPCA problem is NP-hard, we show that, for a low-rank covariance, FSPCA can be solved globally (Algorithm 1). Then, we propose another strategy (Algorithm 2) to solve FSPCA for the general covariance by iteratively building a carefully designed proxy. We prove theoretical guarantees on approximation and convergence for the new algorithms. Experimental results show the promising performance of the new algorithms compared with the state-of-the-arts on both synthetic and real-world datasets

    Cost-Sensitive Feature Selection by Optimizing F-Measures

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    Feature selection is beneficial for improving the performance of general machine learning tasks by extracting an informative subset from the high-dimensional features. Conventional feature selection methods usually ignore the class imbalance problem, thus the selected features will be biased towards the majority class. Considering that F-measure is a more reasonable performance measure than accuracy for imbalanced data, this paper presents an effective feature selection algorithm that explores the class imbalance issue by optimizing F-measures. Since F-measure optimization can be decomposed into a series of cost-sensitive classification problems, we investigate the cost-sensitive feature selection by generating and assigning different costs to each class with rigorous theory guidance. After solving a series of cost-sensitive feature selection problems, features corresponding to the best F-measure will be selected. In this way, the selected features will fully represent the properties of all classes. Experimental results on popular benchmarks and challenging real-world data sets demonstrate the significance of cost-sensitive feature selection for the imbalanced data setting and validate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Zero-Shot Feature Selection via Transferring Supervised Knowledge

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    Feature selection, an effective technique for dimensionality reduction, plays an important role in many machine learning systems. Supervised knowledge can significantly improve the performance. However, faced with the rapid growth of newly emerging concepts, existing supervised methods might easily suffer from the scarcity and validity of labeled data for training. In this paper, the authors study the problem of zero-shot feature selection (i.e., building a feature selection model that generalizes well to "unseen" concepts with limited training data of "seen" concepts). Specifically, they adopt class-semantic descriptions (i.e., attributes) as supervision for feature selection, so as to utilize the supervised knowledge transferred from the seen concepts. For more reliable discriminative features, they further propose the center-characteristic loss which encourages the selected features to capture the central characteristics of seen concepts. Extensive experiments conducted on various real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.Comment: Published in IJDWM2