2 research outputs found

    Word2vec to behavior: morphology facilitates the grounding of language in machines

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    Enabling machines to respond appropriately to natural language commands could greatly expand the number of people to whom they could be of service. Recently, advances in neural network-trained word embeddings have empowered non-embodied text-processing algorithms, and suggest they could be of similar utility for embodied machines. Here we introduce a method that does so by training robots to act similarly to semantically-similar word2vec encoded commands. We show that this enables them to act appropriately, after training, to previously-unheard commands. Finally, we show that inducing such an alignment between motoric and linguistic similarities can be facilitated or hindered by the mechanical structure of the robot. This points to future, large scale methods that find and exploit relationships between action, language, and robot structure.Comment: D. Matthews, S. Kriegman, C. Cappelle and J. Bongard, "Word2vec to behavior: morphology facilitates the grounding of language in machines," 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Macau, China, 2019. \c{opyright} 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other use

    Exploring the effects of robotic design on learning and neural control

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    The ongoing deep learning revolution has allowed computers to outclass humans in various games and perceive features imperceptible to humans during classification tasks. Current machine learning techniques have clearly distinguished themselves in specialized tasks. However, we have yet to see robots capable of performing multiple tasks at an expert level. Most work in this field is focused on the development of more sophisticated learning algorithms for a robot’s controller given a largely static and presupposed robotic design. By focusing on the development of robotic bodies, rather than neural controllers, I have discovered that robots can be designed such that they overcome many of the current pitfalls encountered by neural controllers in multitask settings. Through this discovery, I also present novel metrics to explicitly measure the learning ability of a robotic design and its resistance to common problems such as catastrophic interference.Traditionally, the physical robot design requires human engineers to plan every aspect of the system, which is expensive and often relies on human intuition. In contrast, within the field of evolutionary robotics, evolutionary algorithms are used to automatically create optimized designs, however, such designs are often still limited in their ability to perform in a multitask setting. The metrics created and presented here give a novel path to automated design that allow evolved robots to synergize with their controller to improve the computational efficiency of their learning while overcoming catastrophic interference. Overall, this dissertation intimates the ability to automatically design robots that are more general purpose than current robots and that can perform various tasks while requiring less computation