5 research outputs found


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    Insider threat in cyberspace is a recurring problem since the user activities in a cyber network are often unpredictable. Most existing solutions are not flexible and adaptable to detect sudden change in user’s behaviour in streaming data, which led to a high false alarm rates and low detection rates. In this study, a model that is capable of adapting to the changing pattern in structured cyberspace data streams in order to detect malicious insider activities in cyberspace was proposed. The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) dataset was used as the data source in this study. Extracted features from the dataset were normalized using Min-Max normalization. Standard scaler techniques and mutual information gain technique were used to determine the best features for classification. A hybrid detection model was formulated using the synergism of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) models. Model simulation was performed using python programming language. Performance evaluation was carried out by assessing and comparing the performance of the proposed model with a selected existing model using accuracy, precision and sensitivity as performance metrics. The result of the simulation showed that the developed model has an increase of 1.48% of detection accuracy, 4.21% of precision and 1.25% sensitivity over the existing model. This indicated that the developed hybrid approach was able to learn from sequences of user actions in a time and frequency domain and improves the detection rate of insider threats in cyberspace

    Data Stream Clustering for Real-Time Anomaly Detection: An Application to Insider Threats

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    Insider threat detection is an emergent concern for academia, industries, and governments due to the growing number of insider incidents in recent years. The continuous streaming of unbounded data coming from various sources in an organisation, typically in a high velocity, leads to a typical Big Data computational problem. The malicious insider threat refers to anomalous behaviour(s) (outliers) that deviate from the normal baseline of a data stream. The absence of previously logged activities executed by users shapes the insider threat detection mechanism into an unsupervised anomaly detection approach over a data stream. A common shortcoming in the existing data mining approaches to detect insider threats is the high number of false alarms/positives (FPs). To handle the Big Data issue and to address the shortcoming, we propose a streaming anomaly detection approach, namely Ensemble of Random subspace Anomaly detectors In Data Streams (E-RAIDS), for insider threat detection. E-RAIDS learns an ensemble of p established outlier detection techniques [Micro-cluster-based Continuous Outlier Detection (MCOD) or Anytime Outlier Detection (AnyOut)] which employ clustering over continuous data streams. Each model of the p models learns from a random feature subspace to detect local outliers, which might not be detected over the whole feature space. E-RAIDS introduces an aggregate component that combines the results from the p feature subspaces, in order to confirm whether to generate an alarm at each window iteration. The merit of E-RAIDS is that it defines a survival factor and a vote factor to address the shortcoming of high number of FPs. Experiments on E-RAIDS-MCOD and E-RAIDS-AnyOut are carried out, on synthetic data sets including malicious insider threat scenarios generated at Carnegie Mellon University, to test the effectiveness of voting feature subspaces, and the capability to detect (more than one)-behaviour-all-threat in real-time. The results show that E-RAIDS-MCOD reports the highest F1 measure and less number of false alarm = 0 compared to E-RAIDS-AnyOut, as well as it attains to detect approximately all the insider threats in real-time

    Analyzing frequent patterns in data streams using a dynamic compact stream pattern algorithm

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    As a result of modern technology and the advancement in communication, a large amount of data streams are continually generated from various online applications, devices and sources. Mining frequent patterns from these streams of data is now an important research topic in the field of data mining and knowledge discovery. The traditional approach of mining data may not be appropriate for a large volume of data stream environment where the data volume is quite large and unbounded. They have the limitation of extracting recent change of knowledge in an adaptive mode from the data stream. Many algorithms and models have been developed to address the challenging task of mining data from an infinite influx of data generated from various points over the internet. The objective of this thesis is to introduce the concept of Dynamic Compact Pattern Stream tree (DCPS-tree) algorithm for mining recent data from the continuous data stream. Our DCPS-tree will dynamically achieves frequency descending prefix tree structure with only a single-pass over the data by applying tree restructuring techniques such as Branch sort method (BSM). This will cause any low frequency pattern to be maintained at the leaf nodes level and any high frequency components at a higher level. As a result of this, there will be a considerable mining time reduction on the datase

    International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools c â—‹ World Scientific Publishing Company EVOLVING INSIDER THREAT DETECTION STREAM MINING PERSPECTIVE

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    Evidence of malicious insider activity is often buried within large data streams, such as system logs accumulated over months or years. Ensemble-based stream mining leverages multiple classification models to achieve highly accurate anomaly detection in such streams, even when the stream is unbounded, evolving, and unlabeled. This makes the approach effective for identifying insider threats who attempt to conceal their activities by varying their behaviors over time. This paper applies ensemble-based stream mining, supervised and unsupervised learning, and graph-based anomaly detection to the problem of insider threat detection. It demonstrates that the ensemble-based approach is significantly more effective than traditional single-model methods, supervised learning outperforms unsupervised learning, and increasing the cost of false negatives correlates to higher accuracy. Future work will consider a wider range of tunable parameters in an effort to further reduce false positives, include a more sophisticated polling algorithm for weighting better models, and implement parallelization to lower runtimes to more rapidly detect emerging insider threats