1 research outputs found

    Evolutionary High-dimensional QoS Optimization for Safety-Critical Utility Communication Networks

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    This paper proposes and evaluates an evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithm, called EVOLT, which heuristically optimizes QoS (quality of service) parameters in communication networks. EVOLT uses a population of individuals, each of which represents a set of QoS parameters, and evolves the individuals via genetic operators such as crossover, mutation and selection for satisfying given QoS requirements. For evaluating EVOLT in real-world settings that have high-dimensional parameter and optimization objective spaces, this paper focuses on QoS optimization in safety-critical communication networks for electric power utilities. Simulation results show that EVOLT outperforms a well-known existing evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective optimization and efficiently obtains quality QoS parameters with acceptable computational costs. Moreover, EVOLT visualizes obtained QoS parameters in a Self-Organizing Map in order to aid network administrators to intuitively understand the QoS parameters and the tradeoffs among optimization objectives