1 research outputs found

    Evoluted Architectures for smart micro grids

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    In the last years important improvements are developing in the electrical systems: the process of electrical market liberalization, extended to all the customers, small and residential included, and a strong encouragement towards the energy saving and the installation of small renewable power sources. The regulatory barriers appear insufficient to comply with the Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings strongly encouraged by European Directives. The actual distribution system for low voltage customers appears inadequate to comply with these improvements. Chaotic phenomena in the existing distribution networks will occur if the penetration of the generators will reach high level of the net energy that saturates the local load exigencies and requires the node net side as load server. The authors suggest the ecodesign of the residential and commercial low voltage distribution as a micro grid that allows to guarantee a reduced impact as ever net load on the net supply at least in a first evolution. Adequate sizing and optimal operation in order to maintain ever net load. Tha paper suggest an evoluted architecture for the micro grid in order to optimize the energy exchanges and to ensure an high level of reliability both for the user and for the distributor. © 2013 IEEE