7 research outputs found

    Event-Based Modeling with High-Dimensional Imaging Biomarkers for Estimating Spatial Progression of Dementia

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    Event-based models (EBM) are a class of disease progression models that can be used to estimate temporal ordering of neuropathological changes from cross-sectional data. Current EBMs only handle scalar biomarkers, such as regional volumes, as inputs. However, regional aggregates are a crude summary of the underlying high-resolution images, potentially limiting the accuracy of EBM. Therefore, we propose a novel method that exploits high-dimensional voxel-wise imaging biomarkers: n-dimensional discriminative EBM (nDEBM). nDEBM is based on an insight that mixture modeling, which is a key element of conventional EBMs, can be replaced by a more scalable semi-supervised support vector machine (SVM) approach. This SVM is used to estimate the degree of abnormality of each region which is then used to obtain subject-specific disease progression patterns. These patterns are in turn used for estimating the mean ordering by fitting a generalized Mallows model. In order to validate the biomarker ordering obtained using nDEBM, we also present a framework for Simulation of Imaging Biomarkers' Temporal Evolution (SImBioTE) that mimics neurodegeneration in brain regions. SImBioTE trains variational auto-encoders (VAE) in different brain regions independently to simulate images at varying stages of disease progression. We also validate nDEBM clinically using data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). In both experiments, nDEBM using high-dimensional features gave better performance than state-of-the-art EBM methods using regional volume biomarkers. This suggests that nDEBM is a promising approach for disease progression modeling.Comment: IPMI 201

    Artificial Intelligence with Light Supervision: Application to Neuroimaging

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    Recent developments in artificial intelligence research have resulted in tremendous success in computer vision, natural language processing and medical imaging tasks, often reaching human or superhuman performance. In this thesis, I further developed artificial intelligence methods based on convolutional neural networks with a special focus on the automated analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging scans (MRI). I showed that efficient artificial intelligence systems can be created using only minimal supervision, by reducing the quantity and quality of annotations used for training. I applied those methods to the automated assessment of the burden of enlarged perivascular spaces, brain structural changes that may be related to dementia, stroke, mult

    The symphony of cacophony: understanding the order in neurodegenerative diseases

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    Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease are notoriously heterogeneous; pathologically as well as in their clinical presentation in patients. There are differences between patients in terms of the pathways of progression, the speed of progression, and the effect the progression has on the patient's cognition. This myriad of differences not only makes clinical diagnosis very challenging, but also has major implications for the efficacy of drug trials. As heterogeneous as these diseases are, there is an underlying order in their progression. An underlying method to their disruption of homeostasis. An underlying symphony leading to the cacophony