9 research outputs found

    Learning Spatial-Temporal Implicit Neural Representations for Event-Guided Video Super-Resolution

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    Event cameras sense the intensity changes asynchronously and produce event streams with high dynamic range and low latency. This has inspired research endeavors utilizing events to guide the challenging video superresolution (VSR) task. In this paper, we make the first attempt to address a novel problem of achieving VSR at random scales by taking advantages of the high temporal resolution property of events. This is hampered by the difficulties of representing the spatial-temporal information of events when guiding VSR. To this end, we propose a novel framework that incorporates the spatial-temporal interpolation of events to VSR in a unified framework. Our key idea is to learn implicit neural representations from queried spatial-temporal coordinates and features from both RGB frames and events. Our method contains three parts. Specifically, the Spatial-Temporal Fusion (STF) module first learns the 3D features from events and RGB frames. Then, the Temporal Filter (TF) module unlocks more explicit motion information from the events near the queried timestamp and generates the 2D features. Lastly, the SpatialTemporal Implicit Representation (STIR) module recovers the SR frame in arbitrary resolutions from the outputs of these two modules. In addition, we collect a real-world dataset with spatially aligned events and RGB frames. Extensive experiments show that our method significantly surpasses the prior-arts and achieves VSR with random scales, e.g., 6.5. Code and dataset are available at https: //vlis2022.github.io/cvpr23/egvsr.Comment: Accepted by CVPR202

    Data-efficient Event Camera Pre-training via Disentangled Masked Modeling

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    In this paper, we present a new data-efficient voxel-based self-supervised learning method for event cameras. Our pre-training overcomes the limitations of previous methods, which either sacrifice temporal information by converting event sequences into 2D images for utilizing pre-trained image models or directly employ paired image data for knowledge distillation to enhance the learning of event streams. In order to make our pre-training data-efficient, we first design a semantic-uniform masking method to address the learning imbalance caused by the varying reconstruction difficulties of different regions in non-uniform data when using random masking. In addition, we ease the traditional hybrid masked modeling process by explicitly decomposing it into two branches, namely local spatio-temporal reconstruction and global semantic reconstruction to encourage the encoder to capture local correlations and global semantics, respectively. This decomposition allows our selfsupervised learning method to converge faster with minimal pre-training data. Compared to previous approaches, our self-supervised learning method does not rely on paired RGB images, yet enables simultaneous exploration of spatial and temporal cues in multiple scales. It exhibits excellent generalization performance and demonstrates significant improvements across various tasks with fewer parameters and lower computational costs

    Time lens: Event-based Video Frame Interpolation

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    State-of-the-art frame interpolation methods generate intermediate frames by inferring object motions in the image from consecutive key-frames. In the absence of additional information, first-order approximations, i.e. optical flow, must be used, but this choice restricts the types of motions that can be modeled, leading to errors in highly dynamic scenarios. Event cameras are novel sensors that address this limitation by providing auxiliary visual information in the blind-time between frames. They asynchronously measure per-pixel brightness changes and do this with high temporal resolution and low latency. Event-based frame interpolation methods typically adopt a synthesis-based approach, where predicted frame residuals are directly applied to the key-frames. However, while these approaches can capture non-linear motions they suffer from ghosting and perform poorly in low-texture regions with few events. Thus, synthesis-based and flow-based approaches are complementary. In this work, we introduce Time Lens, a novel method that leverages the advantages of both. We extensively evaluate our method on three synthetic and two real benchmarks where we show an up to 5.21 dB improvement in terms of PSNR over state-of-the-art frame-based and event-based methods. Finally, we release a new large-scale dataset in highly dynamic scenarios, aimed at pushing the limits of existing methods

    Aggregating Long-term Sharp Features via Hybrid Transformers for Video Deblurring

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    Video deblurring methods, aiming at recovering consecutive sharp frames from a given blurry video, usually assume that the input video suffers from consecutively blurry frames. However, in real-world blurry videos taken by modern imaging devices, sharp frames usually appear in the given video, thus making temporal long-term sharp features available for facilitating the restoration of a blurry frame. In this work, we propose a video deblurring method that leverages both neighboring frames and present sharp frames using hybrid Transformers for feature aggregation. Specifically, we first train a blur-aware detector to distinguish between sharp and blurry frames. Then, a window-based local Transformer is employed for exploiting features from neighboring frames, where cross attention is beneficial for aggregating features from neighboring frames without explicit spatial alignment. To aggregate long-term sharp features from detected sharp frames, we utilize a global Transformer with multi-scale matching capability. Moreover, our method can easily be extended to event-driven video deblurring by incorporating an event fusion module into the global Transformer. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art video deblurring methods as well as event-driven video deblurring methods in terms of quantitative metrics and visual quality. The source code and trained models are available at https://github.com/shangwei5/STGTN.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, and the code is available at https://github.com/shangwei5/STGT

    TimeLens: Event-based Video Frame Interpolation

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    State-of-the-art frame interpolation methods generate intermediate frames by inferring object motions in the image from consecutive key-frames. In the absence of additional information, first-order approximations, i.e. optical flow, must be used, but this choice restricts the types of motions that can be modeled, leading to errors in highly dynamic scenarios. Event cameras are novel sensors that address this limitation by providing auxiliary visual information in the blind-time between frames. They asynchronously measure per-pixel brightness changes and do this with high temporal resolution and low latency. Event-based frame interpolation methods typically adopt a synthesis-based approach, where predicted frame residuals are directly applied to the key-frames. However, while these approaches can capture non-linear motions they suffer from ghosting and perform poorly in low-texture regions with few events. Thus, synthesis-based and flow-based approaches are complementary. In this work, we introduce Time Lens, a novel indicates equal contribution method that leverages the advantages of both. We extensively evaluate our method on three synthetic and two real benchmarks where we show an up to 5.21 dB improvement in terms of PSNR over state-of-the-art frame-based and event-based methods. Finally, we release a new large-scale dataset in highly dynamic scenarios, aimed at pushing the limits of existing methods

    Neuromorphic Sampling of Signals in Shift-Invariant Spaces

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    Neuromorphic sampling is a paradigm shift in analog-to-digital conversion where the acquisition strategy is opportunistic and measurements are recorded only when there is a significant change in the signal. Neuromorphic sampling has given rise to a new class of event-based sensors called dynamic vision sensors or neuromorphic cameras. The neuromorphic sampling mechanism utilizes low power and provides high-dynamic range sensing with low latency and high temporal resolution. The measurements are sparse and have low redundancy making it convenient for downstream tasks. In this paper, we present a sampling-theoretic perspective to neuromorphic sensing of continuous-time signals. We establish a close connection between neuromorphic sampling and time-based sampling - where signals are encoded temporally. We analyse neuromorphic sampling of signals in shift-invariant spaces, in particular, bandlimited signals and polynomial splines. We present an iterative technique for perfect reconstruction subject to the events satisfying a density criterion. We also provide necessary and sufficient conditions for perfect reconstruction. Owing to practical limitations in meeting the sufficient conditions for perfect reconstruction, we extend the analysis to approximate reconstruction from sparse events. In the latter setting, we pose signal reconstruction as a continuous-domain linear inverse problem whose solution can be obtained by solving an equivalent finite-dimensional convex optimization program using a variable-splitting approach. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm and validate our claims via experiments on synthetic signals

    Neuromorphic Synergy for Video Binarization

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    Bimodal objects, such as the checkerboard pattern used in camera calibration, markers for object tracking, and text on road signs, to name a few, are prevalent in our daily lives and serve as a visual form to embed information that can be easily recognized by vision systems. While binarization from intensity images is crucial for extracting the embedded information in the bimodal objects, few previous works consider the task of binarization of blurry images due to the relative motion between the vision sensor and the environment. The blurry images can result in a loss in the binarization quality and thus degrade the downstream applications where the vision system is in motion. Recently, neuromorphic cameras offer new capabilities for alleviating motion blur, but it is non-trivial to first deblur and then binarize the images in a real-time manner. In this work, we propose an event-based binary reconstruction method that leverages the prior knowledge of the bimodal target's properties to perform inference independently in both event space and image space and merge the results from both domains to generate a sharp binary image. We also develop an efficient integration method to propagate this binary image to high frame rate binary video. Finally, we develop a novel method to naturally fuse events and images for unsupervised threshold identification. The proposed method is evaluated in publicly available and our collected data sequence, and shows the proposed method can outperform the SOTA methods to generate high frame rate binary video in real-time on CPU-only devices.Comment: N