1 research outputs found

    Foundations of coverage algorithms in autonomic mobile sensor networks

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    Drones are poised to become a prominent focus of advances in the near future as hardware platforms manufactured via mass production become accessible to consumers in higher quantities at lower costs than ever before. As more ways to utilize such devices become more popular, algorithms for directing the activities of mobile sensors must expand in order to automate their work. This work explores algorithms used to direct the behavior of networks of autonomous mobile sensors, and in particular how such networks can operate to achieve coverage of a field using mobility. We focus special attention to the way limited mobility affects the performance (and other factors) of algorithms traditionally applied to area coverage and event detection problems. Strategies for maximizing event detection and minimizing detection delay as mobile sensors with limited mobility are explored in the first part of this work. Next we examine exploratory coverage, a new way of analyzing sensor coverage, concerned more with covering each part of the coverage field once, while minimizing mobility required to achieve this level of 1-coverage. This analysis is contained in the second part of this work. Extending the analysis of mobility, we next strive to explore the novel topic of disabled mobility in mobile sensors, and how algorithms might react to increase effectiveness given that some sensors have lost mobility while retaining other senses. This work analyzes algorithm effectiveness in light of disabled mobility, demonstrates how this particular failure mode impacts common coverage algorithms, and presents ways to adjust algorithms to mitigate performance losses. --Abstract, page iv