1,688 research outputs found

    Harnessing the Speed and Accuracy of Machine Learning to Advance Cybersecurity

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    As cyber attacks continue to increase in frequency and sophistication, detecting malware has become a critical task for maintaining the security of computer systems. Traditional signature-based methods of malware detection have limitations in detecting complex and evolving threats. In recent years, machine learning (ML) has emerged as a promising solution to detect malware effectively. ML algorithms are capable of analyzing large datasets and identifying patterns that are difficult for humans to identify. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art ML techniques used in malware detection, including supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. We also examine the challenges and limitations of ML-based malware detection, such as the potential for adversarial attacks and the need for large amounts of labeled data. Furthermore, we discuss future directions in ML-based malware detection, including the integration of multiple ML algorithms and the use of explainable AI techniques to enhance the interpret ability of ML-based detection systems. Our research highlights the potential of ML-based techniques to improve the speed and accuracy of malware detection, and contribute to enhancing cybersecurit

    Man in the Browser Attacks

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    In the present world, everyone uses the Internet and to access the internet they would need to use a browser. Unfortunately, the benefits of the Web are also available to hackers to exploit its weaknesses. Man-in-the-Browser (MITB) attacks are utilized through Trojan malware that infects an Internet browser. This attack is dangerous because of its ability to hide from anti-virus software and steal information from a user from the browser. MITB is able to see information within the browser since no encryption occurs in a browser. This is a serious threat to financial institutions and many other secret institutions as well. No one is safe from a MITB once it is installed because it easily bypasses the security mechanisms we all rely on. This paper explains what MITB attacks are, and how dangerous are those, and how it can be identified and how can we prevent it by discussing various preventive techniques and its effectiveness. This paper will also help to create awareness to the people about this attac

    Malware in the Future? Forecasting of Analyst Detection of Cyber Events

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    There have been extensive efforts in government, academia, and industry to anticipate, forecast, and mitigate cyber attacks. A common approach is time-series forecasting of cyber attacks based on data from network telescopes, honeypots, and automated intrusion detection/prevention systems. This research has uncovered key insights such as systematicity in cyber attacks. Here, we propose an alternate perspective of this problem by performing forecasting of attacks that are analyst-detected and -verified occurrences of malware. We call these instances of malware cyber event data. Specifically, our dataset was analyst-detected incidents from a large operational Computer Security Service Provider (CSSP) for the U.S. Department of Defense, which rarely relies only on automated systems. Our data set consists of weekly counts of cyber events over approximately seven years. Since all cyber events were validated by analysts, our dataset is unlikely to have false positives which are often endemic in other sources of data. Further, the higher-quality data could be used for a number for resource allocation, estimation of security resources, and the development of effective risk-management strategies. We used a Bayesian State Space Model for forecasting and found that events one week ahead could be predicted. To quantify bursts, we used a Markov model. Our findings of systematicity in analyst-detected cyber attacks are consistent with previous work using other sources. The advanced information provided by a forecast may help with threat awareness by providing a probable value and range for future cyber events one week ahead. Other potential applications for cyber event forecasting include proactive allocation of resources and capabilities for cyber defense (e.g., analyst staffing and sensor configuration) in CSSPs. Enhanced threat awareness may improve cybersecurity.Comment: Revised version resubmitted to journa

    JABBERWOCK: A Tool for WebAssembly Dataset Generation and Its Application to Malicious Website Detection

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    Machine learning is often used for malicious website detection, but an approach incorporating WebAssembly as a feature has not been explored due to a limited number of samples, to the best of our knowledge. In this paper, we propose JABBERWOCK (JAvascript-Based Binary EncodeR by WebAssembly Optimization paCKer), a tool to generate WebAssembly datasets in a pseudo fashion via JavaScript. Loosely speaking, JABBERWOCK automatically gathers JavaScript code in the real world, convert them into WebAssembly, and then outputs vectors of the WebAssembly as samples for malicious website detection. We also conduct experimental evaluations of JABBERWOCK in terms of the processing time for dataset generation, comparison of the generated samples with actual WebAssembly samples gathered from the Internet, and an application for malicious website detection. Regarding the processing time, we show that JABBERWOCK can construct a dataset in 4.5 seconds per sample for any number of samples. Next, comparing 10,000 samples output by JABBERWOCK with 168 gathered WebAssembly samples, we believe that the generated samples by JABBERWOCK are similar to those in the real world. We then show that JABBERWOCK can provide malicious website detection with 99\% F1-score because JABBERWOCK makes a gap between benign and malicious samples as the reason for the above high score. We also confirm that JABBERWOCK can be combined with an existing malicious website detection tool to improve F1-scores. JABBERWOCK is publicly available via GitHub (https://github.com/c-chocolate/Jabberwock).Comment: Accepted in DCDS 2023 (co-located in DSN 2023
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