4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the performance of Multi-GNSS advanced orbit and clock augmentation – precise point positioning (MADOCA-PPP) in Japan region

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    For users of Precise Point Positioning (PPP), Multi-GNSS Advanced Orbit and Clock Augmentation PPP signals provide corrective data. When using the PPP approach and/or PPP-Ambiguity Resolution (AR) method, the QZSS signal provides globally applicable error corrections on satellite orbit, clock offset, and code/phase biases. In addition, from FY2024, as a part of the MADOCA-PPP technology demonstration, wide-area ionospheric correction data will be provided for the Asia-Oceania region. A software estimator of precise satellite information developed by JAXA, Multi-GNSS Advanced Demonstration Tool for Orbit and Clock Analysis (MADOCA), allows u-blox CO99-ZED-F9P and MSJ 3008-GM4-QZS utilizing MADOCA-PPP to be used in GNSS applications that need sub-decimetre precision but don’t have to be expensive. Errors caused by positioning satellites are computed by using observation data from domestic and overseas GNSS monitoring station networks such as IGS and MIRAI, and obtained correction data is transmitted from QZSS signal to provide highly precise positioning augmentation services that can be used in the Asia-Oceania Region. Users may utilize the PPP technique for high-precision locating by employing a GNSS receiver that supports the QZSS signals. This paper describes an experiment carried out with the static method to combine GPS, GLONASS, and QZSS signals in the project site (ISHI, USUD and MIZU stations in Japan). This paper examines the GPS/GLONASS/QZSS obtainable accuracy. These obtained results indicate that integrating GPS system with GLONASS and QZSS is favoured for surveying applications. It appears that integrating GPS/GLONASS/QZSS (MADOCA precise ephemeris file) static measurements in the study area between 0–4 millimetres accuracy can be guaranteed on all occasions

    Integrity monitoring for precise orbit determination of LEO satellites

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    Due to an increasing requirement for high accuracy orbital information for low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, precise orbit determination (POD) of LEO satellites is a topic of growing interest. To assure the safety and reliability of the applications requiring high accuracy LEO orbits in near-real-time, integrity monitoring (IM) is an essential operation of the POD process. In this contribution, the IM strategy for LEO POD in both the kinematic and reduced-dynamic modes is investigated. The overbounding parameters of the signal-in-space range error are investigated for the GPS products provided by the International GNSS Service’s Real-Time Service and the Multi-GNSS Advanced Demonstration of Orbit and Clock Analysis service. Benefting from the dynamic models used and the improved model strength, the test results based on the data of the LEO satellite GRACE FO-1 show that the average-case mean protection levels (PLs) can be reduced from about 3–4 m in the kinematic mode to about 1 m in the reduced-dynamic mode in the radial, along-track and cross-track directions. The overbounding mean values of the SISRE play the dominant role in the fnal PLs. In the reduced-dynamic mode and averagecase projection, the IM availabilities reach above 99% in the radial, along-track and cross-track directions with the alert limit (AL) set to 2 m. The values are still above 98% with the AL set to 4 m, when the duty cycle of tracking is reduced to 40%, e.g., in the case of power limits for miniature satellites such as CubeSats

    Precise Orbit Determination of CubeSats

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    CubeSats are faced with some limitations, mainly due to the limited onboard power and the quality of the onboard sensors. These limitations significantly reduce CubeSats' applicability in space missions requiring high orbital accuracy. This thesis first investigates the limitations in the precise orbit determination of CubeSats and next develops algorithms and remedies to reach high orbital and clock accuracies. The outputs would help in increasing CubeSats' applicability in future space missions