5,374 research outputs found

    Coreference-Based Summarization and Question Answering: a Case for High Precision Anaphor Resolution

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    Approaches to Text Summarization and Question Answering are known to benefit from the availability of coreference information. Based on an analysis of its contributions, a more detailed look at coreference processing for these applications will be proposed: it should be considered as a task of anaphor resolution rather than coreference resolution. It will be further argued that high precision approaches to anaphor resolution optimally match the specific requirements. Three such approaches will be described and empirically evaluated, and the implications for Text Summarization and Question Answering will be discussed

    Deep attentive video summarization with distribution consistency learning

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    This article studies supervised video summarization by formulating it into a sequence-to-sequence learning framework, in which the input and output are sequences of original video frames and their predicted importance scores, respectively. Two critical issues are addressed in this article: short-term contextual attention insufficiency and distribution inconsistency. The former lies in the insufficiency of capturing the short-term contextual attention information within the video sequence itself since the existing approaches focus a lot on the long-term encoder-decoder attention. The latter refers to the distributions of predicted importance score sequence and the ground-truth sequence is inconsistent, which may lead to a suboptimal solution. To better mitigate the first issue, we incorporate a self-attention mechanism in the encoder to highlight the important keyframes in a short-term context. The proposed approach alongside the encoder-decoder attention constitutes our deep attentive models for video summarization. For the second one, we propose a distribution consistency learning method by employing a simple yet effective regularization loss term, which seeks a consistent distribution for the two sequences. Our final approach is dubbed as Attentive and Distribution consistent video Summarization (ADSum). Extensive experiments on benchmark data sets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed ADSum approach against state-of-the-art approaches

    Learning Visual Importance for Graphic Designs and Data Visualizations

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    Knowing where people look and click on visual designs can provide clues about how the designs are perceived, and where the most important or relevant content lies. The most important content of a visual design can be used for effective summarization or to facilitate retrieval from a database. We present automated models that predict the relative importance of different elements in data visualizations and graphic designs. Our models are neural networks trained on human clicks and importance annotations on hundreds of designs. We collected a new dataset of crowdsourced importance, and analyzed the predictions of our models with respect to ground truth importance and human eye movements. We demonstrate how such predictions of importance can be used for automatic design retargeting and thumbnailing. User studies with hundreds of MTurk participants validate that, with limited post-processing, our importance-driven applications are on par with, or outperform, current state-of-the-art methods, including natural image saliency. We also provide a demonstration of how our importance predictions can be built into interactive design tools to offer immediate feedback during the design process

    Evaluating Human-Language Model Interaction

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    Many real-world applications of language models (LMs), such as writing assistance and code autocomplete, involve human-LM interaction. However, most benchmarks are non-interactive in that a model produces output without human involvement. To evaluate human-LM interaction, we develop a new framework, Human-AI Language-based Interaction Evaluation (HALIE), that defines the components of interactive systems and dimensions to consider when designing evaluation metrics. Compared to standard, non-interactive evaluation, HALIE captures (i) the interactive process, not only the final output; (ii) the first-person subjective experience, not just a third-party assessment; and (iii) notions of preference beyond quality (e.g., enjoyment and ownership). We then design five tasks to cover different forms of interaction: social dialogue, question answering, crossword puzzles, summarization, and metaphor generation. With four state-of-the-art LMs (three variants of OpenAI's GPT-3 and AI21 Labs' Jurassic-1), we find that better non-interactive performance does not always translate to better human-LM interaction. In particular, we highlight three cases where the results from non-interactive and interactive metrics diverge and underscore the importance of human-LM interaction for LM evaluation.Comment: Authored by the Center for Research on Foundation Models (CRFM) at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI
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