4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Quantified Statements using Gradual Numbers - 64

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    Dr. Ludovic Liétard is currently assistant professor at the University of Rennes 1 (IUT Lannion) in France. His research mainly concerns flexible querying of relational databases using fuzzy set theory and various applications of fuzzy set theory in databases. Dr. Daniel Rocacher is currently assistant professor at the University of Rennes 1 (ENSSAT Lannion) in France. He has proposed new directions to define gradual numbers in the framework of fuzzy set theory. His current research concerns their applications in databases. Evaluation of Quantified Statements using Gradual Numbers -2 -Abstract. This paper is devoted to the evaluation of quantified statements which can be found in many applications as decision-making, expert systems or flexible querying of relational databases using fuzzy set theory. Its contribution is to introduce the main techniques to evaluate such statements and to propose a new theoretical background for the evaluation of quantified statements of type "Q X are A" and "Q B X are A". In this context, quantified statements are interpreted using an arithmetic on gradual numbers from ℕ f , ℤ f and ℚ f . It is shown that the context of fuzzy numbers provides a framework to unify previous approaches and can be the base for the definition of new approaches