7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of an on-line reflective journal in engineering education

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    Reflective thinking based on experiential learning is a key skill for the professional engineer. The use of a reflective learning journal is thought to be a valuable tool in developing reflexivity. An evaluation was undertaken of student perceptions of an on-line reflective journal introduced into an engineering management study unit.<br /

    An evaluation of on-line assignment submission, marking and return

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    The learning outcomes of an online reflective journal in engineering

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    Reflective thinking based on experiential learning is a key skill required for the lifelong learner and the socially mature professional. Following several semesters employing a written reflective journal as an assessable task, a fourth-year engineering management unit adopted an online reflective journal. During the initial semester of use, an evaluation was undertaken to investigate student perceptions of the online journal. A summary of this previous work is presented here. Following three semesters of use of the online journal, an analysis of the student use of the journal was undertaken to investigate its contribution to unit learning outcomes. Based on the evaluation of student perceptions of the online reflective journal, it was found that a majority of students understood the purpose of the journal, and valued the journal in their learning; a majority of students read the journal entries of other students, and indicated that this assisted their learning; and the two most frequently reported &lsquo;most useful&rsquo; aspects of the journal were the &lsquo;enforced&rsquo; continuous revision of course material, and the ability to compare their understanding of the course material with that of other students. Based on a regression analysis of the factors related to student usage of the online reflective journal, it was found that the significant contributors to final unit mark where: prior academic performance; number of journal postings; and mode of study. This research confirmed that the online reflective journal was fertile territory in the landscape of educational technology, both in terms of student perceptions and contribution to unit learning outcomes.<br /

    A Phenomenological Study of Computer Science Lecturers: Lived Experiences of Curriculum Design

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    This hermeneutic phenomenological study presents a description of computer science lecturers’ experiences of curriculum design of degree programmes during a time of transition in curriculum design policy, specifically in the context of Technological University Dublin (DIT). It examines the lived experiences of computer science lecturers to highlight the issues and problems relating to lecturers’ lived experiences of curriculum design, and it describes how it is to be a computer science lecturer in a time of policy change for curriculum design. The findings are that lecturers have been, and are, struggling to cope with the transition from year-long to semesterised courses, that they feel pressured and overworked, but continue to try to adapt from feelings of professionalism and concern to provide curricula that suit the courses. They feel resentful about the lack of preparation and information that might have been given to them prior to, and during, the change. The literature has suggested that further investigation into the effects of institutional policy change on lecturers ought to be carried out. There have been recommendations for the design of degree programmes in Irish institutes, including DIT and its School of Computing. These recommendations form the basis for the quality assurance of the educational programmes to which they are applied. It follows that any divergence between recommended best practice and the experiences of those designing the curricula has serious implications for the assurance on offer. This study has two parts, conducted using hermeneutic phenomenological assumptions and methodology to collect, analyse and interpret data from semi-structured interview transcripts. The preliminary study involved twelve computer science lecturers. The findings of this work served the context to a more in-depth study of the same participants’ experiences. This second study led to findings that describe the computer science lecturers’ lived experiences as curriculum designers. Findings relate to conditions and issues of curriculum design, and lead to the identification of implications for groups and individuals associated with third-level education. This research encourages readers to thoughtfully reflect on what is it like for these computer science lecturers as curriculum designers, and become better informed about what happens during the process of curriculum and module design. The full significance of such reflection will ideally promote further questioning and inquiry, in keeping with the provisional nature of phenomenological inquiry

    Student Expectations: The effect of student background and experience

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    CONTEXT The perspectives and previous experiences that students bring to their programs of study can affect their approaches to study and the depth of learning that they achieve Prosser & Trigwell, 1999; Ramsden, 2003). Graduate outcomes assume the attainment of welldeveloped independent learning skills which can be transferred to the work-place. PURPOSE This 5-year longitudinal study investigates factors influencing students’ approaches to learning in the fields of Engineering, Software Engineering, and Computer Science, at two higher education institutes delivering programs of various levels in Australia and New Zealand. The study aims to track the development of student approaches to learning as they progress through their program. Through increased understanding of students’ approaches, faculty will be better able to design teaching and learning strategies to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student body. This paper reports on the first stage of the project. APPROACH In August 2017, we ran a pilot of our survey using the Revised Study Process Questionnaire(Biggs, Kember, & Leung, 2001) and including some additional questions related to student demographics and motivation for undertaking their current program of study. Data were analysed to evaluate the usefulness of data collected and to understand the demographics of the student cohort. Over the period of the research, data will be collected using the questionnaire and through focus groups and interviews. RESULTS Participants provided a representative sample, and the data collected was reasonable, allowing the questionnaire design to be confirmed. CONCLUSIONS At this preliminary stage, the study has provided insight into the student demographics at both institutes and identified aspects of students’ modes of engagement with learning. Some areas for improvement of the questionnaire have been identified, which will be implemented for the main body of the study

    A new strategy for active learning to maximise performance in intensive courses

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    This paper describes an innovation in the delivery of an introductory thermodynamics course offered to students studying towards an engineering qualification. The course was delivered in intensive format, across three weeks of study. Students find it challenging to engage with complex engineering topics in a short period of time, and there is no sizeable study break for pre-exam study. This means that students cannot afford to delay in learning and applying content. Every class must be an opportunity to interact with the content immediately. The innovation described here involved implementing a new daily structure for the course that attempted to mimic the standard process by which students learn material, apply it, study it and practice it in across a traditional-length semester. The new structure involved integrating the lecture and recitation components to the course to increasing the active learning during material delivery, then allowing students to engage in guided study and open-book formative assessment. This paper describes the implementation of this innovation. A brief review of the literature on intensive courses is provided, followed by a description of the approach used in this particular class. The results are then presented, and evaluated in the context of the research and the instructor’s own critical reflection

    Chair a session/Integration of theory and practice in the learning and teaching process

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    The theme for AAEE-2017 is “Integrated Engineering”, which covers a range of sub-themes, such as: Integration of theory and practice in the learning and teaching process Interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary engineering programs and learning environments Integration of teaching and research in the engineering training process The role and impact of engineering students and educators in the wider community Systems perspectives on engineering education. Integration is also about connections, e.g. between students and teachers, between students in learning together, and between educational institutions and industry and wider society in the engineering education process