4 research outputs found

    Melhoria dos processos de reposição física de artigos em loja - Caso de estudo Leroy Merlin

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    Este estudo vem ao encontro da necessidade da empresa Leroy Merlin em encontrar possíveis soluções para reduzir tempos na atividade de reposição de artigos na loja, bem como melhorar os procedimentos de reposição. Um dos principais problemas encontrados ao longo do estudo foi a falta de organização e método na reposição bem como o desperdício de tempo em tarefas que não acrescentam valor ao processo. A implementação de melhorias focou e tomou como base a secção de loja com mais artigos e com mais dificuldades de reposição. Após o seu estudo foi possível desenvolver e testar um processo que melhorou em tempo e em organização, a reposição em loja dos materiais com mais dificuldades. Para além da melhoria principal em tempo e métodos, foram também desenvolvidas e testadas duas bases de dados de auxílio à localização dos artigos que futuramente podem reduzir tempos de reposição de artigos, bem como a sua localização na sua zona de armazenagem, as Zonas altas da loja. As melhorias poderão ser ainda mais eficazes com a conjugação do trabalho realizado e o uso de novas tecnologias. Esta união poderá rentabilizar ainda mais os tempos de reposição e localização de artigos.This study aims to create for Leroy Merlin Company possible solutions to reduce times in the activity of replacing items in the store, as well as improving these replacement procedures. One of the major problems encountered throughout the study was the lack of organization and method of replacement as well as wasting time on tasks that do not add value to the process. The improvements implementation´s target to study was a specific shop section with lots of items and with lots of spare difficulties. After this study, it was possible to develop and test a process that improved in time and in organization, the material with more difficulty of reposition in store. In addition to the main improvement of time and methods, it was also implemented two databases to help locate items that may in the future reduce the search time of items in the store as well as in the warehouse, the high spots in the store. These improvements could be even more effective with the combination of work done and the use of new technologies. This combination can be able to reduce even more the items time search and replacement

    Mejores bodegas y un mejor servicio propuesta de mejora del manejo de inventarios en las bodegas de producto terminado de una empresa de plásticos en el valle de los Chillos

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    The following study is an improvement proposal of the inventory control policies and layout for the final products warehouse. Mainly focused on the final goods of the major interest in the warehouse of plastic containers enterprise, Empaqplast S.A. Initially, the important products for the company are identified according to consumption rate, the same that will be analyzed for the study. For this selection, the ABC analysis and Pareto Diagrams are used based on different criteria. After meeting the major interest products, the study continues with an analysis of the demand of each product generated along the last three years (2011-2013) and the first months of the current year to find out performance patterns. Once patterns are analyzed, the appropriate forecast models are proposed to approach to the future demand. When the future demand is estimated, an inventory model is determined to fit the best for each case of product, and which can establish the optimal storage quantity to minimize costs related with warehouse management. Finally, a new design of the three warehouses owned by the company, are proposed to place the products with high demand near to the entrance and exit ports. All this analysis allows to conclude about the costs that the enterprise has spent until this moment, savings that could be obtained due to the proposal and others opportunities for improvement.El siguiente trabajo es una propuesta de mejora de las políticas de inventarios y disposición del almacén de productos terminados. Enfocado principalmente en los bienes finales de mayor interés en las bodegas de una empresa de envases plásticos, Empaqplast S.A. Inicialmente, se determinan los productos que son importantes para la empresa en cuanto al aspecto de consumo, los mismos que se analizarán para el estudio. Para esta selección se utiliza la clasificación ABC y los diagramas de Pareto según diferentes criterios. Después de conocer los productos de mayor interés, el estudio prosigue con el análisis de la demanda de cada producto generada a lo largo de los tres últimos años (2011-2013) y los primeros meses del presente año para encontrar patrones de comportamiento. Una vez analizados los patrones se propone un modelo de pronóstico adecuado para aproximarse a la demanda futura. Estimada la demanda futura se determina un modelo de inventario que mejor se adapte a cada caso de los productos y que pueda establecer la cantidad óptima de almacenamiento a fin de minimizar los costos relacionados con el manejo de bodegas. Finalmente, se propone un rediseño de las tres bodegas de las que dispone la empresa que permita tener los productos de mayor rotación cerca de los puertos de salida y entrada. Todo este análisis permite concluir sobre los costos en los que ha incurrido la empresa hasta el momento, los ahorros que se pueden obtener a través de la propuesta y otras oportunidades de mejora

    Developing a Methodical Approach for the Systematic Identification of Innovative Technological Applications – Based on Mixed Reality in Manual Order Picking

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    The need to be economically successful is the key driver for companies to be innovative and implement new technologies with increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Uncertainty about whether to use new technologies and missing knowledge about their advantages lead to staggering and withholding from fast diffusion of innovations. Focusing on the industry of logistics and the technology Mixed Reality, this research project developed a methodical approach for evaluating the fitness of an innovative technology and a specific process of application. A mixed methods approach was derived, based on interviews and experiments. The main methodologies used, were semi-structured interviews with decision makers in logistics companies to elaborate triggering criteria in the investment process and laboratory experiments for the evaluation of competing technologies. These methods were framed by an initial field experiment and feedback interviews after the analysis for the validation of the approach. The research proved the competitively viable applicability of Mixed Reality and its specific strengths and weaknesses in manual order picking. This set the foundation for possible further development and implementation of the technology. The developed methodological approach proved to be a valid and reliable assessment of the intersection between a technology and specified process of application. This can greatly enhance the speed of implementing new innovations and gaining competitive advantages for companies

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions