14 research outputs found

    From source to target and back: symmetric bi-directional adaptive GAN

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    The effectiveness of generative adversarial approaches in producing images according to a specific style or visual domain has recently opened new directions to solve the unsupervised domain adaptation problem. It has been shown that source labeled images can be modified to mimic target samples making it possible to train directly a classifier in the target domain, despite the original lack of annotated data. Inverse mappings from the target to the source domain have also been evaluated but only passing through adapted feature spaces, thus without new image generation. In this paper we propose to better exploit the potential of generative adversarial networks for adaptation by introducing a novel symmetric mapping among domains. We jointly optimize bi-directional image transformations combining them with target self-labeling. Moreover we define a new class consistency loss that aligns the generators in the two directions imposing to conserve the class identity of an image passing through both domain mappings. A detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the reconstructed images confirm the power of our approach. By integrating the two domain specific classifiers obtained with our bi-directional network we exceed previous state-of-the-art unsupervised adaptation results on four different benchmark datasets

    Domain Adaptation with Incomplete Target Domains

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    Domain adaptation, as a task of reducing the annotation cost in a target domain by exploiting the existing labeled data in an auxiliary source domain, has received a lot of attention in the research community. However, the standard domain adaptation has assumed perfectly observed data in both domains, while in real world applications the existence of missing data can be prevalent. In this paper, we tackle a more challenging domain adaptation scenario where one has an incomplete target domain with partially observed data. We propose an Incomplete Data Imputation based Adversarial Network (IDIAN) model to address this new domain adaptation challenge. In the proposed model, we design a data imputation module to fill the missing feature values based on the partial observations in the target domain, while aligning the two domains via deep adversarial adaption. We conduct experiments on both cross-domain benchmark tasks and a real world adaptation task with imperfect target domains. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method