2 research outputs found

    Evaluation of LH*LH for a Multicomputer Architecture

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    . Scalable, distributed data structures can provide fast access to large volumes of data. In this paper, we present a simulation study in which the performance behaviour of one of these data structures, called LH*LH, is evaluated for a multicomputer architecture. Our experimental results demonstrate that the access-time to LH*LH can be very small and does not deteriorate for increasing data structure sizes. Furthermore, we also show that parallel access to the LH*LH data structure may speed up client applications. This speed-up is, however, shown to be constrained by a number of effects. 1 Introduction Modern database applications require fast access to large volumes of data. Sometimes the amount of data is so large than it cannot be efficiently stored or processed by a uniprocessor system. Therefore, a distributed data structure can be used that distributes the data over a number of processors within a parallel or distributed system. This is an attractive possibility because the achi..