3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of DTI property maps as basis of DTI atlas building

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    pre-printCompared to region of interest based DTI analysis, voxel-based analysis gives higher degree of localization and avoids the procedure of manual delineation with the resulting intra and inter-rater variability. One of the major challenges in voxel-wise DTI analysis is to get high quality voxel-level correspondence. For that purpose, current DTI analysis tools are building on nonlinear registration algorithms that deform individual datasets into a template image that is either precomputed or computed as part of the analysis. A variety of matching criteria and deformation schemes have been proposed, but often comparative evaluation is missing. In our opinion, the use of consistent and unbiased measures to evaluate current DTI procedures is of great importance and our work presents two possible measures. Specifically, we propose the evaluation criteria generalization and specificity, originally introduced by the shape modeling community, to evaluate and compare different DTI nonlinear warping results. These measures are of indirect nature and have a population wise view. Both measures incorporate information of the variability of the registration results in the template space via a voxel-wise PCA model. Thus far, we have used these measures to evaluate our own DTI analysis procedure employing fluid-based registration on scalar DTI maps. Generalization and specificity from tensor images in the template space were computed for 8 scalar property maps. We found that for our procedure an intensity-normalized FA feature outperformed the other scalar measurements. Also, using the tensor images rather than the FA maps as a comparison frame seemed to produce more robust results

    Automated voxel-wise brain DTI analysis of fitness and aging

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    Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) has become a widely used MR modality to investigate white matter integrity in the brain. This paper presents the application of an automated method for voxel-wise group comparisons of DTI images in a study of fitness and aging. The automated processing method consists of 3 steps: 1) preprocessing including image format converting, image quality control, eddy-current and motion artifact correction, skull stripping and tensor image estimation, 2) study-specific unbiased DTI atlas computation via diffeomorphic fluid-based and demons deformable registration and 3) voxel-wise statistical analysis via heterogeneous linear regression and a wild bootstrap technique for correcting for multiple comparisons. Our results show that this fully automated method is suitable for voxel-wise group DTI analysis. Furthermore, in older adults, the results suggest a strong link between reduced fractional anisotropy (FA) values, fitness and aging

    Evaluation of DTI property maps as basis of DTI atlas building

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