8,862 research outputs found

    Vehicle-Rear: A New Dataset to Explore Feature Fusion for Vehicle Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This work addresses the problem of vehicle identification through non-overlapping cameras. As our main contribution, we introduce a novel dataset for vehicle identification, called Vehicle-Rear, that contains more than three hours of high-resolution videos, with accurate information about the make, model, color and year of nearly 3,000 vehicles, in addition to the position and identification of their license plates. To explore our dataset we design a two-stream CNN that simultaneously uses two of the most distinctive and persistent features available: the vehicle's appearance and its license plate. This is an attempt to tackle a major problem: false alarms caused by vehicles with similar designs or by very close license plate identifiers. In the first network stream, shape similarities are identified by a Siamese CNN that uses a pair of low-resolution vehicle patches recorded by two different cameras. In the second stream, we use a CNN for OCR to extract textual information, confidence scores, and string similarities from a pair of high-resolution license plate patches. Then, features from both streams are merged by a sequence of fully connected layers for decision. In our experiments, we compared the two-stream network against several well-known CNN architectures using single or multiple vehicle features. The architectures, trained models, and dataset are publicly available at https://github.com/icarofua/vehicle-rear

    Profiling of OCR'ed Historical Texts Revisited

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    In the absence of ground truth it is not possible to automatically determine the exact spectrum and occurrences of OCR errors in an OCR'ed text. Yet, for interactive postcorrection of OCR'ed historical printings it is extremely useful to have a statistical profile available that provides an estimate of error classes with associated frequencies, and that points to conjectured errors and suspicious tokens. The method introduced in Reffle (2013) computes such a profile, combining lexica, pattern sets and advanced matching techniques in a specialized Expectation Maximization (EM) procedure. Here we improve this method in three respects: First, the method in Reffle (2013) is not adaptive: user feedback obtained by actual postcorrection steps cannot be used to compute refined profiles. We introduce a variant of the method that is open for adaptivity, taking correction steps of the user into account. This leads to higher precision with respect to recognition of erroneous OCR tokens. Second, during postcorrection often new historical patterns are found. We show that adding new historical patterns to the linguistic background resources leads to a second kind of improvement, enabling even higher precision by telling historical spellings apart from OCR errors. Third, the method in Reffle (2013) does not make any active use of tokens that cannot be interpreted in the underlying channel model. We show that adding these uninterpretable tokens to the set of conjectured errors leads to a significant improvement of the recall for error detection, at the same time improving precision

    Enhancing Energy Minimization Framework for Scene Text Recognition with Top-Down Cues

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    Recognizing scene text is a challenging problem, even more so than the recognition of scanned documents. This problem has gained significant attention from the computer vision community in recent years, and several methods based on energy minimization frameworks and deep learning approaches have been proposed. In this work, we focus on the energy minimization framework and propose a model that exploits both bottom-up and top-down cues for recognizing cropped words extracted from street images. The bottom-up cues are derived from individual character detections from an image. We build a conditional random field model on these detections to jointly model the strength of the detections and the interactions between them. These interactions are top-down cues obtained from a lexicon-based prior, i.e., language statistics. The optimal word represented by the text image is obtained by minimizing the energy function corresponding to the random field model. We evaluate our proposed algorithm extensively on a number of cropped scene text benchmark datasets, namely Street View Text, ICDAR 2003, 2011 and 2013 datasets, and IIIT 5K-word, and show better performance than comparable methods. We perform a rigorous analysis of all the steps in our approach and analyze the results. We also show that state-of-the-art convolutional neural network features can be integrated in our framework to further improve the recognition performance
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