45,471 research outputs found

    Hybrid XML Retrieval: Combining Information Retrieval and a Native XML Database

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    This paper investigates the impact of three approaches to XML retrieval: using Zettair, a full-text information retrieval system; using eXist, a native XML database; and using a hybrid system that takes full article answers from Zettair and uses eXist to extract elements from those articles. For the content-only topics, we undertake a preliminary analysis of the INEX 2003 relevance assessments in order to identify the types of highly relevant document components. Further analysis identifies two complementary sub-cases of relevance assessments ("General" and "Specific") and two categories of topics ("Broad" and "Narrow"). We develop a novel retrieval module that for a content-only topic utilises the information from the resulting answer list of a native XML database and dynamically determines the preferable units of retrieval, which we call "Coherent Retrieval Elements". The results of our experiments show that -- when each of the three systems is evaluated against different retrieval scenarios (such as different cases of relevance assessments, different topic categories and different choices of evaluation metrics) -- the XML retrieval systems exhibit varying behaviour and the best performance can be reached for different values of the retrieval parameters. In the case of INEX 2003 relevance assessments for the content-only topics, our newly developed hybrid XML retrieval system is substantially more effective than either Zettair or eXist, and yields a robust and a very effective XML retrieval.Comment: Postprint version. The editor version can be accessed through the DO

    Metrics of Graph-Based Meaning Representations with Applications from Parsing Evaluation to Explainable NLG Evaluation and Semantic Search

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    "Who does what to whom?" The goal of a graph-based meaning representation (in short: MR) is to represent the meaning of a text in a structured format. With an MR, we can explicate the meaning of a text, describe occurring events and entities, and their semantic relations. Thus, a metric of MRs would measure a distance (or similarity) between MRs. We believe that such a meaning-focused similarity measurement can be useful for several important AI tasks, for instance, testing the capability of systems to produce meaningful output (system evaluation), or when searching for similar texts (information retrieval). Moreover, due to the natural explicitness of MRs, we hypothesize that MR metrics could provide us with valuable explainability of their similarity measurement. Indeed, if texts reside in a space where their meaning has been isolated and structured, we might directly see in which aspects two texts are actually similar (or dissimilar). However, we find that there is not much previous work on MR metrics, and thus we lack fundamental knowledge about them and their potential applications. Therefore, we make first steps to explore MR metrics and MR spaces, focusing on two key goals: 1. Develop novel and generally applicable methods for conducting similarity measurements in the space of MRs; 2. Explore potential applications that can profit from similarity assessments in MR spaces, including, but (by far) not limited to, their "classic" purpose of evaluating the quality of a text-to-MR system against a reference (aka parsing evaluation). We start by analyzing contributions from previous works that have proposed MR metrics for parsing evaluation. Then, we move beyond this restricted setup and start to develop novel and more general MR metrics based on i) insights from our analysis of the previous parsing evaluation metrics and ii) our motivation to extend MR metrics to similarity assessment of natural language texts. To empirically evaluate and assess our generalized MR metrics, and to open the door for future improvements, we propose the first benchmark of MR metrics. With our benchmark, we can study MR metrics through the lens of multiple metric-objectives such as sentence similarity and robustness. Then, we investigate novel applications of MR metrics. First, we explore new ways of applying MR metrics to evaluate systems that produce i) text from MRs (MR-to-text evaluation) and ii) MRs from text (MR parsing). We call our new setting MR projection-based, since we presume that one MR (at least) is unobserved and needs to be approximated. An advantage of such projection-based MR metric methods is that we can ablate a costly human reference. Notably, when visiting the MR-to-text scenario, we touch on a much broader application scenario for MR metrics: explainable MR-grounded evaluation of text generation systems. Moving steadily towards the application of MR metrics to general text similarity, we study MR metrics for measuring the meaning similarity of natural language arguments, which is an important task in argument mining, a new and surging area of natural language processing (NLP). In particular, we show that MRs and MR metrics can support an explainable and unsupervised argument similarity analysis and inform us about the quality of argumentative conclusions. Ultimately, we seek even more generality and are also interested in practical aspects such as efficiency. To this aim, we distill our insights from our hitherto explorations into MR metric spaces into an explainable state-of-the-art machine learning model for semantic search, a task for which we would like to achieve high accuracy and great efficiency. To this aim, we develop a controllable metric distillation approach that can explain how the similarity decisions in the neural text embedding space are modulated through interpretable features, while maintaining all efficiency and accuracy (sometimes improving it) of a high-performance neural semantic search method. This is an important contribution, since it shows i) that we can alleviate the efficiency bottleneck of computationally costly MR graph metrics and, vice versa, ii) that MR metrics can help mitigate a crucial limitation of large "black box" neural methods by eliciting explanations for decisions

    A Survey of Volunteered Open Geo-Knowledge Bases in the Semantic Web

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    Over the past decade, rapid advances in web technologies, coupled with innovative models of spatial data collection and consumption, have generated a robust growth in geo-referenced information, resulting in spatial information overload. Increasing 'geographic intelligence' in traditional text-based information retrieval has become a prominent approach to respond to this issue and to fulfill users' spatial information needs. Numerous efforts in the Semantic Geospatial Web, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), and the Linking Open Data initiative have converged in a constellation of open knowledge bases, freely available online. In this article, we survey these open knowledge bases, focusing on their geospatial dimension. Particular attention is devoted to the crucial issue of the quality of geo-knowledge bases, as well as of crowdsourced data. A new knowledge base, the OpenStreetMap Semantic Network, is outlined as our contribution to this area. Research directions in information integration and Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) are then reviewed, with a critical discussion of their current limitations and future prospects

    The Simplest Evaluation Measures for XML Information Retrieval that Could Possibly Work

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    This paper reviews several evaluation measures developed for evaluating XML information retrieval (IR) systems. We argue that these measures, some of which are currently in use by the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX), are complicated, hard to understand, and hard to explain to users of XML IR systems. To show the value of keeping things simple, we report alternative evaluation results of official evaluation runs submitted to INEX 2004 using simple metrics, and show its value for INEX

    Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2017)

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    The large scale of scholarly publications poses a challenge for scholars in information seeking and sensemaking. Bibliometrics, information retrieval (IR), text mining and NLP techniques could help in these search and look-up activities, but are not yet widely used. This workshop is intended to stimulate IR researchers and digital library professionals to elaborate on new approaches in natural language processing, information retrieval, scientometrics, text mining and recommendation techniques that can advance the state-of-the-art in scholarly document understanding, analysis, and retrieval at scale. The BIRNDL workshop at SIGIR 2017 will incorporate an invited talk, paper sessions and the third edition of the Computational Linguistics (CL) Scientific Summarization Shared Task.Comment: 2 pages, workshop paper accepted at the SIGIR 201

    Multimodal Machine Learning for Automated ICD Coding

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    This study presents a multimodal machine learning model to predict ICD-10 diagnostic codes. We developed separate machine learning models that can handle data from different modalities, including unstructured text, semi-structured text and structured tabular data. We further employed an ensemble method to integrate all modality-specific models to generate ICD-10 codes. Key evidence was also extracted to make our prediction more convincing and explainable. We used the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III (MIMIC -III) dataset to validate our approach. For ICD code prediction, our best-performing model (micro-F1 = 0.7633, micro-AUC = 0.9541) significantly outperforms other baseline models including TF-IDF (micro-F1 = 0.6721, micro-AUC = 0.7879) and Text-CNN model (micro-F1 = 0.6569, micro-AUC = 0.9235). For interpretability, our approach achieves a Jaccard Similarity Coefficient (JSC) of 0.1806 on text data and 0.3105 on tabular data, where well-trained physicians achieve 0.2780 and 0.5002 respectively.Comment: Machine Learning for Healthcare 201