242 research outputs found

    Memory-Efficient Deep Salient Object Segmentation Networks on Gridized Superpixels

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    Computer vision algorithms with pixel-wise labeling tasks, such as semantic segmentation and salient object detection, have gone through a significant accuracy increase with the incorporation of deep learning. Deep segmentation methods slightly modify and fine-tune pre-trained networks that have hundreds of millions of parameters. In this work, we question the need to have such memory demanding networks for the specific task of salient object segmentation. To this end, we propose a way to learn a memory-efficient network from scratch by training it only on salient object detection datasets. Our method encodes images to gridized superpixels that preserve both the object boundaries and the connectivity rules of regular pixels. This representation allows us to use convolutional neural networks that operate on regular grids. By using these encoded images, we train a memory-efficient network using only 0.048\% of the number of parameters that other deep salient object detection networks have. Our method shows comparable accuracy with the state-of-the-art deep salient object detection methods and provides a faster and a much more memory-efficient alternative to them. Due to its easy deployment, such a network is preferable for applications in memory limited devices such as mobile phones and IoT devices.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to MMSP 201

    Texture-Aware Superpixel Segmentation

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    Most superpixel algorithms compute a trade-off between spatial and color features at the pixel level. Hence, they may need fine parameter tuning to balance the two measures, and highly fail to group pixels with similar local texture properties. In this paper, we address these issues with a new Texture-Aware SuperPixel (TASP) method. To accurately segment textured and smooth areas, TASP automatically adjusts its spatial constraint according to the local feature variance. Then, to ensure texture homogeneity within superpixels, a new pixel to superpixel patch-based distance is proposed. TASP outperforms the segmentation accuracy of the state-of-the-art methods on texture and also natural color image datasets

    Saliency-guided Adaptive Seeding for Supervoxel Segmentation

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    We propose a new saliency-guided method for generating supervoxels in 3D space. Rather than using an evenly distributed spatial seeding procedure, our method uses visual saliency to guide the process of supervoxel generation. This results in densely distributed, small, and precise supervoxels in salient regions which often contain objects, and larger supervoxels in less salient regions that often correspond to background. Our approach largely improves the quality of the resulting supervoxel segmentation in terms of boundary recall and under-segmentation error on publicly available benchmarks.Comment: 6 pages, accepted to IROS201
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