3 research outputs found

    Evaluating the effect of multi-tenancy patterns in containerized cloud-hosted content management system

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    Multi-tenancy in cloud computing describes the extent to which resources can be shared while guaranteeing isolation among components (tenants) using these resources. There are three multi-tenancy patterns: shared, tenant-isolated and dedicated component patterns. These patterns have not previously been formally specified. In order to create a precise definition and verify each pattern, we formally specify each pattern using the Z language. To validate the interpretation of our formal description, We empirically evaluate each pattern using the data-tier of a cloud hosted distributed content management application, WordPress, deployed in a Docker container. Experimental results show that the dedicated pattern successfully managed larger numbers of tenants with fewer unhandled request errors. The shared and tenant isolated patterns exhibited larger number of unhandled request errors when the number of tenants increased. We present a selection algorithm to choose suitable multi-tenancy pattern for cloud deployment of content management system

    A Cloud Service Integration Architecture for the Hospitality Sector

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    We describe the design and implementation of an innovative software platform that enables hoteliers to configure custom solutions to manage their business, by building on multiple existing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. A flexible cloud integration mechanism uses “drivers” to communicate with various SaaS via their existing APIs. Selection of the solutions is made easy by the inclusion of a Marketplace, and the user experience is made seamless by an homogenous user interface (UI) that orchestrates the calls to the heterogenous underlying logic provided by multiple vendors. The resulting platform is, itself, offered as a SaaS, whose functionality is highly adaptable depending on the chosen integrations. These can be reconfigured at any time, thus avoiding lock-in to any particular one, and without incurring in the costs associated with retraining and learning curves of end-users. The core cloud integration architecture of the platform is generic, so it can be adapted for other domains. We describe the design and implementation of an innovative software platform that enables hoteliers to configure custom solutions to manage their business, by building on multiple existing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. A flexible cloud integration mechanism uses “drivers” to communicate with various SaaS via their existing APIs. Selection of the solutions is made easy by the inclusion of a Marketplace, and the user experience is made seamless by an homogenous user interface (UI) that orchestrates the calls to the heterogenous underlying logic provided by multiple vendors. The resulting platform is, itself, offered as a SaaS, whose functionality is highly adaptable depending on the chosen integrations. These can be reconfigured at any time, thus avoiding lock-in to any particular one, and without incurring in the costs associated with retraining and learning curves of end-users. The core cloud integration architecture of the platform is generic, so it can be adapted for other domains

    Plano de negócio eletrónico da plataforma_colaborativa "LexDoBusiness"

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    Na sociedade atual, nomeadamente no mundo empresarial as tecnologias da informação são instrumentos que potenciam as relações com clientes e impulsionam o negócio. Numa lógica de prestação de serviços foi desenvolvida um plano de negócios de uma plataforma colaborativa designada de “LexDoBusiness”. A revisão da literatura realizada teve em consideração aspetos relacionados com este tipo de negócio, nomeadamente: transformação digital, plano e modelo de negócios, e-commerce, e-business, marketing mix, marketing digital, Customer Relationship Management e sistemas de gestão de conteúdos. A partir da informação obtida conclui-se que a proposta de valor do projecto deve ser a mais adequada para cada um dos segmentos de clientes. O trabalho de pesquisa efetuado teve como objetivo avaliar a aceitabilidade do modelo de negócios da plataforma web LexDoBusiness, que reúne vários serviços essenciais para que os empreendedores transformem a sua ideia numa empresa de sucesso, tais como serviços jurídicos, contábeis, tributários e tecnológicos. Em relação à metodologia de pesquisa, foi escolhida o Design Science Research, tendo a recolha de dados secundários externos obtida nas plataformas INE, RACIUS e PORDATA, e a recolha de dados primários por meio de uma pesquisa semiestruturada dirigida a clientes de uma rede de advogados e a potenciais clientes. Os resultados da pesquisa primária, por meio de um questionário, permitiu confirmar o problema de investigação inicialmente formulado de que a maioria dos clientes preferem contratar advogados com escritórios físicos, o que levou a que o plano de negócio tivesse em consideração a esta preferência em detrimento da prestação de serviços jurídicos exclusivamente online sem que fosse descurado a viabilidade económica e financeira do projeto.In today's society, especially in the business world, information technologies are instruments that enhance customer relations and drive business. In a logic of service provision, a business plan of a collaborative platform called "LexDoBusiness" was developed. The literature review took into consideration aspects related to this type of business, namely: digital transformation, business plan and model, e-commerce, ebusiness, marketing mix, digital marketing, Customer Relationship Management and content management systems. From the information obtained, it is concluded that the value proposition of the project should be the most appropriate for each of the customer segments. The research work carried out aimed to evaluate the acceptability of the business model of the LexDoBusiness web platform, which gathers several essential services for entrepreneurs to transform their idea into a successful company, such as legal, accounting, tax and technological services. Regarding the research methodology, Design Science Research was chosen, having been the collection of external secondary data obtained in the platforms INE, RACIUS and PORDATA, and the collection of primary data through a semi-structured research directed to clients of a network of lawyers and potential clients. The results of the primary survey, by means of a questionnaire, confirmed the research problem initially formulated that most clients prefer to hire lawyers with physical offices, which led the business plan to take this preference into consideration rather than the provision of legal services exclusively online without neglecting the economic and financial viability of the project