1 research outputs found

    Evaluating geometric queries using few arithmetic operations

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    Let \cp:=(P_1,...,P_s) be a given family of nn-variate polynomials with integer coefficients and suppose that the degrees and logarithmic heights of these polynomials are bounded by dd and hh, respectively. Suppose furthermore that for each 1≤i≤s1\leq i\leq s the polynomial PiP_i can be evaluated using LL arithmetic operations (additions, subtractions, multiplications and the constants 0 and 1). Assume that the family \cp is in a suitable sense \emph{generic}. We construct a database D\cal D, supported by an algebraic computation tree, such that for each x∈[0,1]nx\in [0,1]^n the query for the signs of P1(x),...,Ps(x)P_1(x),...,P_s(x) can be answered using h d^{\cO(n^2)} comparisons and nLnL arithmetic operations between real numbers. The arithmetic-geometric tools developed for the construction of D\cal D are then employed to exhibit example classes of systems of nn polynomial equations in nn unknowns whose consistency may be checked using only few arithmetic operations, admitting however an exponential number of comparisons